View Full Version : My satellites.xml has disappeared

28-10-19, 22:25
This last update made a mess of my Octagon SF8008. Updated just fine and then when it came back up the default [east] satellites.xml was installed and I live in the States. I tried doing a restore but same deal it left the new satellites.xml on the box. Fortunately I keep backup files separate files of crucial settings on the P.C. so while it was easy to upload a good xml file it was a pain in the ass having to reassign all the tuner settings for each satellite again as these were erased as well. I've never seen that happen before and don't know why. Every update up to this point has been seamless.

abu baniaz
28-10-19, 22:30
There is a system location and user location for xml files. Which did you use?

28-10-19, 23:13
At work and doing this from memory but the user file I believe was in the ect/tuxbox/config location and that was put there by the update I believe as it had today's date. The satellites.xml file in the enigma2 folder seemed to be gone or hidden even though I had the option ticked to show all files. So what I did is uploaded my saved satellites.xml file to both locations and after a reboot I had the appropriate western arc satellites available to me in the tuner setup but lost the settings. It's o.k. now just not sure why it happened.

abu baniaz
28-10-19, 23:33
/etc/enigma2/ is the user location and takes precedence. It will not be touched by software updates
/etc/tuxbox/config is the system location. It is system file, system updates will overwrite this

29-10-19, 00:10
/etc/enigma2/ is the user location and takes precedence. It will not be touched by software updates
/etc/tuxbox/config is the system location. It is system file, system updates will overwrite this

Thanks. Appears then that the system file was updated with the standard file and then something must of happened to my customized file in the enigma2 folder. Just never had that happen before so it was strange.