View Full Version : Playback using WebTV or streaming using either VLC or Windows Media Player

Royal with Cheese
08-02-11, 22:23
OK folks - a little bit of newbie help needed.

VU+ DUO setup with VIX 1.3 - works like a dream on the HDMI TV I have. However, the missus is watching my big fat gypsy wedding and I would like to stream something else (anything else!) to my PC as I type.

Now, earlier on thie evening I have tried the Http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX to the VU+ - menu's come up fine. I don't appear to be able to watch WebTV (no matter what I try I get "Nothing to Play" in a big red banner at the top of the window. I'm using firefox 3.5 with VLC plugin.

Any time I try to stream (via WMP or VLC) some content I might get anywhere between 2 and 30 seconds of it before the content stops. Clicking play merely replays the bit I've just seen.

Is this a caching issue withing VLC and WMP? Is there anything I can change on my VU+DUO to assist?

I notice there are a number of other people with roughly the same issue.

Someone help me out - I'm desperate. The missus is thinking of putting Kramer Vs Kramer on next :eek:

Black Coral
08-02-11, 22:47
Have a look at the attachment and try streaming it again.


Royal with Cheese
08-02-11, 22:56
That's what I'm doing. I've tried to stream in both WMP and VLC neither working correctly. Just get between 2 and 30 seconds of feed and then it stops.

Black Coral
08-02-11, 23:04
Are you using wireless or wired?

Standard definition requires ~6MB and HD takes almost 20MB.

Can you try saving the stream as M3U and then open it using VLC directly.

Royal with Cheese
09-02-11, 00:05
Update. Kramer Vs Kramer is on. I've switch VU+ onto standby and, hey presto! HD stream OK. I can only presume this is a resource issue on the VU side. Wireless 15-17% constant.
Any tips to improve performance?

Black Coral
09-02-11, 09:02
Update. Kramer Vs Kramer is on. I've switch VU+ onto standby and, hey presto! HD stream OK. I can only presume this is a resource issue on the VU side. Wireless 15-17% constant.
Any tips to improve performance?

Have you tried enabling Google Gears under Extras on the web interface? This needs to be done per session and should help offset processing from the VU+

Black Coral
09-02-11, 21:09
Any tips to improve performance?

Also make sure that your swap file is in use.

Human 19
09-02-11, 21:54
It could also simply be that if you only have 1 tumer then you can only stream a channel form the same transponder that the TV channel is on.
Test this by looking at a channel on the TV, them press up to enter the tv channel list. Press the colour key for "satellite". press on "curent transponder" if you see that option. there you can see what other channels are on this transponder. then try streaming a different channel on the same transponder. then try stream ing a different one.

Tested this myself, hence my reply

Royal with Cheese
10-02-11, 22:03
Many thanks for the reply - I've enabled google gears on my laptop and I did see an imporvement in performance.

Also, I've just upgraded to VIX 2.0 (took 15 minutes from download to Slystreaming!) and I can stream just about anything now. Set swap file and checked Human 19's suggestion. I do have 2 tuners and can quite happily get any station providing I'm not recording as I have timeshift enabled.

Many thanks for everyone's help.