View Full Version : [GiGaBlue QUAD+ PLUS] Plugins Repository / e2iplayer

16-10-19, 07:03
Hi folks,

I'm really impressed what a bunch of enthusiastic programmers can achieve to make life great even if it seems impossible :D

One such thing I quickly adopted was the IPTVplayer that later changed to e2iplayer. Another is "Serienrecorder" that was available some time ago, then went away and is now again part of the plugins repository. I must confess that I do not know the magic that is necessary to make this happen in a pretty easy way to most of us non-geeks but I do understand that it's pretty complicated to make things "look easy" and it's a continous effort to keep things "as is" i.e. adapting them to the steady changes in the world to "look" stable.

I recently learned that e2iplayer has gone "private" and does not receive any more updates, although there is a version from May/19 on the repository. There is a bunch of spin offs that try to compensate this and if you google enough I find a couple of instructions to get one of these running on some certain box that most likely will fail on that you aown.

That makes me wonder how the decisions are made to put this or that extension into the repository list and if there are any plans to either replace the (now dead) e2iplayer project from samsamsam with one of the more active spin offs from Maxbambi, zadmario or mosz_nowy and/or make "e2istream" available that is told to be a replacement. I guess there is something like a "detailled examination" and at least someone who adoptd the project and makes sure it fits snuggly into the image.

Is there some open discussion where I can get some insights on that? Putting the relevant keywords into the search does not list much useful information about that and I get the impression I could get excommunicated just for asking a banned question. :confused:

So please don't shoot me at first sight. I try to be one of the good guys. :)

12-02-20, 13:16
Hi folks,

I'm really impressed what a bunch of enthusiastic programmers can achieve to make life great even if it seems impossible :D

One such thing I quickly adopted was the IPTVplayer that later changed to e2iplayer. Another is "Serienrecorder" that was available some time ago, then went away and is now again part of the plugins repository. I must confess that I do not know the magic that is necessary to make this happen in a pretty easy way to most of us non-geeks but I do understand that it's pretty complicated to make things "look easy" and it's a continous effort to keep things "as is" i.e. adapting them to the steady changes in the world to "look" stable.

I recently learned that e2iplayer has gone "private" and does not receive any more updates, although there is a version from May/19 on the repository. There is a bunch of spin offs that try to compensate this and if you google enough I find a couple of instructions to get one of these running on some certain box that most likely will fail on that you aown.

That makes me wonder how the decisions are made to put this or that extension into the repository list and if there are any plans to either replace the (now dead) e2iplayer project from samsamsam with one of the more active spin offs from Maxbambi, zadmario or mosz_nowy and/or make "e2istream" available that is told to be a replacement. I guess there is something like a "detailled examination" and at least someone who adoptd the project and makes sure it fits snuggly into the image.

Is there some open discussion where I can get some insights on that? Putting the relevant keywords into the search does not list much useful information about that and I get the impression I could get excommunicated just for asking a banned question. :confused:

So please don't shoot me at first sight. I try to be one of the good guys. :)

I've just tried E2iplayer & mine does not work been great for ages & thx to those who gave this.
I don't know if this comes back but the E2iplayer was amazing,fingers crossed we see it working again.

12-02-20, 13:37
I've just tried E2iplayer & mine does not work been great for ages & thx to those who gave this.
I don't know if this comes back but the E2iplayer was amazing,fingers crossed we see it working again.

The author has made this private so no chance of being available again.

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12-02-20, 14:31
E2iStream is available from various sources and is regularly updated. Seems virtually identical to E2iPlayer to me.

12-02-20, 14:41
have E2iplayer now as E2istream here always on and updated from other source then original maker.Works pretty fine.Even get a mail when update is possible. Link not allowed here.

12-02-20, 14:51
Maybe someone has cloned it?

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12-02-20, 15:19
probably but why bother ? It works fine and is renewed regularly.Findable on satuniverse . Original owner was promissing to everybody that came on his FB site that he would continue to give updates .Never had any response there.

12-02-20, 15:26
The author has made this private so no chance of being available again.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thank you Andy @ least we know what's happened being now private.
Are there any other app's like E2iplayer that work?.

12-02-20, 15:29
E2istream = the same app

16-02-20, 23:04
The author has made this private so no chance of being available again.

E2istream = the same app

Isn't that just the information with what I started this thread four months ago?

I still wonder what process does place one extension into the "official plugins" list and another one not.

I believe there must be a good reason to keep the old, outdated and unsupported e2iplayer as listed Add-In, but a seemingly working and active alternative is obviously banned with a secrecy spell. :confused:

Is this some kind of concurrency problem with an antanogised faction?

I didn't expect that it takes so long to get a reply to this question. Who knows, maybe some day someone might even know an answer. :cool:

abu baniaz
18-02-20, 20:09
There is no logic or decision process as to what is put on the feeds.

Once someone adds something, it becomes difficult to remove it.

We upset one of the other teams member and channel list uploader because some people said it wouldn't be a good idea to upload links to movies on feeds server. The other team member now uploads them and the channel list creator does not post here any more.

IMO E2Iplayer should be removed. If I do it, I'll get jumped on.

18-02-20, 23:18
There is no logic or decision process as to what is put on the feeds.
IMO E2Iplayer should be removed. If I do it, I'll get jumped on.

Hmmm. Then there is no defined place where I can opt for an addition or change. That makes things a little erratic when guessing how the development proces will go. And yet it works out somehow.

I think about the miracles that could happen if the geeks would work together in a defined procedure. :)

abu baniaz
18-02-20, 23:25
Just spit out what you want to happen instead of asking how it works. Once your objective is explained, process can be explained.

19-02-20, 00:22
Well it should be obvious. But here is my prayer, in hope it will be brought forward to anyone who might be in charge for it:

Dear Developers,

please replace the outdated and dysfunctional e2iplayer in the plugins repository with a working and actively supported version of e2istream - which seems to be available
please keep the system from permanently fragmenting free memory so that "helpers" like automatic cache clearing are no more necessary to keep the box from stuttering and freezing
please send a new season of GOT, because the last one ended "a bit" dissatisfying :rolleyes:
please tell me the numbers of the upcomming lottery drawing in advance

or maybe some of it, as far as possible :thumbsup:


19-02-20, 08:46
There is no logic or decision process as to what is put on the feeds.

Once someone adds something, it becomes difficult to remove it.

We upset one of the other teams member and channel list uploader because some people said it wouldn't be a good idea to upload links to movies on feeds server. The other team member now uploads them and the channel list creator does not post here any more.

IMO E2Iplayer should be removed. If I do it, I'll get jumped on.

Pointless keeping this version of E2iplayer (which doesn’t work) in the feeds, just delete it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

19-02-20, 09:46
Just google for the ipk and install it. Too many people expect to be spoonfed.

19-02-20, 12:34
Just google for the ipk and install it. Too many people expect to be spoonfed.

Oh dear! Why didn't I think of THAT? It's instantly clear what discriminates a Senior Member from a Rookie.

... wait a moment ... where did I say I hadn't done just this?

I am confused. I have to reread my posts. I thought I asked a question on how it comes that a broken extension is kept in the repository whereas a functional replacement is not. And whom I might contact about improving this. But now I'm unsure.

Maybe I missed the idea of a "Plugin Repository" alltogether. I had assumed it IS thought to be a place to list useful and functional add-ons for people that do not routinely scan the internet for any interesting ipk. And for those that might have expertise in other areas than hacking a Set-top-box on the Linux level. In fact, I previously had the opinion that the entire Project of offering an operating system and receiver ecosystem is meant to get used by muggles as well - without requiring a degree in computer sciences or being member of an active hacker group. People with a full time job and a family to care. People that do have a pretty limited amount of spare time.

Maybe I'm just be wrong in the "VIX Team Images Support Discussion" area, as it is not intended to discuss VIX Image Support.

Maybe you just had a bad start into the day. I don't want to upset you or anyone else. You do great work here. Please ignore me and my dumb questions until you feel relaxed again. After all, this topic was ignored for four months before. I can stand that.


19-02-20, 14:00
Please ignore me and my dumb questions.
Sounds good to me.

21-02-20, 06:28
For your info, plugin was removed here: https://github.com/oe-alliance/oe-alliance-core/commits/4.3 then the removal was reverted because its still partly functional and other OE-Alliance team members still want it.

If you have an issue with this you can open an issue here: https://github.com/oe-alliance/oe-alliance-core/issues

05-03-20, 03:12
please replace the outdated and dysfunctional e2iplayer in the plugins repository with a working and actively supported version of e2istream - which seems to be available
please keep the system from permanently fragmenting free memory so that "helpers" like automatic cache clearing are no more necessary to keep the box from stuttering and freezing

I second the above.

Why is it a good thing to keep a stale/stagnant version of e2iplayer from mid-2019 rotting in openvix?

It seems that e2istream is a drop-in replacement for e2iplayer.

Can someone with commit privileges do that? Is there a specific feature request board to post this to?

abu baniaz
05-03-20, 14:36
The post above yours just said we removed it, and the other teams wanted to keep it so got re-added.

We use a shared repository. I suppose we could add it to plugins not wanted, then every other image will have to modify their patches. We would also have to clean the "feeds" too.