View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] rec png backup

17-09-19, 16:11
when updathing image my own rec png witch is bleu rectangle keeps changing in the one from the image : red bull. Is it possible to put my own png somewhere that after update I do not get red bull everytime ? Backup settings take my own blue png in backup but always changes into red bull.
Maybe I have to put my own PNG in a directory ?

18-09-19, 07:38
When you do a backup are you using the extra settings feature where you can select which files etc you want to include in your backup as apposed to just the basic vix backup?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

18-09-19, 15:02
yes , all selected but always get that red bull back instead of my blue rectangle.Other files are as before backup after update.

abu baniaz
18-09-19, 15:11
What is name of skin? What is the full path of the png file?

18-09-19, 15:18
basic skin vix night hd and path usr/lib/E2/python/plugins/extentions/lcd4linux/data .There you see 2 files in that dir : rec.png and rec1.png .Standard file is rec.png

abu baniaz
18-09-19, 16:27
Is you question in relation to skin or lcd4linux

18-09-19, 16:37
the lcd4 display.Skin from normal display in the middle of the box is working fine and not involved.Is even my own adapted skin.Only in lcd screen it always returns after update to red ball instead of my saved own blue rectangle. Seems the rec.png is always overritten when updating ,even when saved in backup.

abu baniaz
19-09-19, 22:11
Maybe try the chattr command to make the file locked down so it wont be replaced. There were a couple of errors in the path you posted. Please correct any others I missed.

cd usr/lib/Enigma2/python/plugins/extensions/lcd4linux/data
chattr +i rec.png
chattr +i rec1.png

20-09-19, 15:33
thx will try this.The error in the patch I knew .Shorted Enigma2 to E2 .

Just tried it but get no such file or directory .Telnet gives as directory root@vuduo2 :~#

abu baniaz
20-09-19, 15:46
Check upper/lower cases. Might be enigma2 instead of Enigma2

20-09-19, 15:53
will not even do cd usr .Now i changed attrib off rec.png to 444 .Maybe that helps

20-09-19, 16:18
Try cd /usr

20-09-19, 16:26
works until I get lib .Then enigma2 is not recognized.Tried all kinds of spelling.

20-09-19, 16:32
I can get as far as /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions

ls command will tell you the names of the files and folders in the current directory.

20-09-19, 16:41
took that line and extended to cd /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/LCD4linux/data and that did the trick now. THX to all for help