View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] remove plugins - getting plugin information ... Please wait

14-09-19, 19:41
Dear all
Since being on image 5.3.. I see sometimes latencies. One strange example is this.
Remove plugins
I get the message: "Getting plugin information ... Please wait"
This stays for minutes. When I click into one category and see the the indiviual plugins the text is still somewhere in the text.
I attach two screenshots.

Memory information:
RAM:Total 572464 thereof free 384524
Buffers 692, cashed 41264
Total swap 0, free swap 0
Flash: Total 194.8 M - thereof free 39.0M

So I would assume it is not a memory issue. Did not have this under 5.2.045.

Any clue? Should I re-flash clean and install the plugins one by one?
Thanks for your advice

14-09-19, 21:00
I might try rebooting router and box as it might have stored a bug as its not suppose to be that slow,no one else hogging broadband with downloads.

17-09-19, 12:21
Flashed vix 5.3.002 again, restored settings and plugins. Rebooted box and router. Still the same. Looks like temporary memory leaks. Because of this and the hbbtv restore problem (separate threat) I am tempted to go back to 5.2.045. Will report what I have decided and the outcome.
Thanks anyway

17-09-19, 13:41
Just tried 'remove' and 'download' plugins on my Solo2 and all working normally so don't think it's the image. Using 5.3.002 by the way.

17-09-19, 13:48
So 2 things!
1. Go to Menu/user/languages - select (I am guessing!) swiss and then the delete button - answering Yes will delete everything bar Swiss and ENglish - should give you about 90MB additional in flash - see if that makes a difference.
2. debug log?

18-09-19, 20:35
removing all languages except of English increased my free memory to 401740, buffers 784.

Log switched.59253

18-09-19, 21:10
Have to say that log is doing everything apart from looking at plugins..... so much activity, timers and everything going off
After a restart, I would let everything calm down and then access plugins .... to be honest with so much activity I am not surprised things are slow.