View Full Version : Epg 28.2e (27.5w)

13-09-19, 17:18
Is there any way of using the EPG gained from the cross-epg plug-in on 28.2E to populate the EPG on the channels of 27.5W without having to resort to epg import, which isn't always possible when away from the internet?

Sorry, just noticed an EPG section, please move if necessary.

abu baniaz
13-09-19, 18:24
Use Aliases

13-09-19, 18:39
New term on me, could you please expand? Is there a guide anywhere? Thanks

abu baniaz
13-09-19, 19:09
Have a look in the crossepg folder. You will find an alias.conf

You have to add lines to basically cross-reference services. There are sevral methods of doing it. You can just do by name or you can add sections of the service reference. No too sure if you have to edit your lamedb for 27.5 w still.

Line below will alias ITV granada from bskyb provider to all services called ITV HD and ITV.

ITV Granada-bskyb=ITV HD,ITV,

Once you have done it, you have to enable the alias in the scripts section. I suggest you do a few entries then try it. This avoids wasted efforts.

14-09-19, 09:43
Thanks, that looks promising. Will give it a go later. Just need to find the scripts section?

abu baniaz
14-09-19, 09:53
Menu > Setup > EPG > CrossEPG > Scripts Providers > ALIAS do simple aliases handling

Select it and ensure it has a tick

14-09-19, 10:58
Many thanks. I had seen it before but could not remember where. Will give it a go next.

15-09-19, 14:07
Was just about to make a start but can't find an aliases.conf ........ there is a file "crossepg.aliases.db", is this where I should enter the lines? or do I make another file called "aliases.conf" with the lines inserted? Thanks

Edit: Was looking in the wrong place, found it in /usr/crossepg. I was looking in hdd/crossepg

Will press on.