View Full Version : Dvb S2. Support in latest official image

08-02-11, 11:24
Great to see the sundtek dvb S2 usb tuners at last will be supported with latest vtuner improvements in offial 5m6 image. Triple sat and usb tuner now that sounds good :)

Also wonder what the media improvements are? No mention of codecs so prob no support of avi just yet :(

08-02-11, 12:06
Thats good news as my Sky Ultimate DVB-S2 usb tunner will be here this week from sundtek, But i will then wait for image 5.6 to incorpriated into VIX (next release I hope)

08-02-11, 18:51
not long alan not long at all mate

08-02-11, 19:11
All we need now is 4-5 more USB ports.

Q - I assume that these would need a port of their own or would a hub suffice.
I assume that the bandwith would be needed for the video.

08-02-11, 19:13
All we need now is 4-5 more USB ports.

Q - I assume that these would need a port of their own or would a hub suffice.
I assume that the bandwith would be needed for the video.

the sponsor sell a real nice hub that works on the vu

08-02-11, 19:18
Will a hub work ok with DVb-t and DVB-s dongles connected to one port...

Youd imagine the data for recording several channels on one usb port would be high especially if HD.

Would be excellent if it could..


08-02-11, 19:21
i have not tested it but i beleive Sic purchased one from the sponsor but then i dont think he has 2 tuners to test with best bet is try it as if the hub the sponsor has dont work then none will

but the hub works as a usb port duplicator and having a usb stick and wifi has worked ok

08-02-11, 19:51
i think vu+ only supports one usb tuner

08-02-11, 20:02
I thought that it could only manage 3 tuners? So that would mean that the third tuner ie. usb tuner can now be dvb-t or dvb-s2.

08-02-11, 20:11
yes, dvb-t or dvb-s2
We still cant use both. Dont know why. Maybe chipset limitation?

08-02-11, 21:38
i think your right it may be a case of either a dvb-t or dvb-s usb not both but i have read on a few forums and officail sundtek forum that 2 usb tuners are being worked on for vu and a few have managed to get em to work

08-02-11, 21:43
That would be huge if it works.