View Full Version : Recording ligt stays on

08-02-11, 07:44

I have recorded 1 programme last night between 21:00 - 22:00, after the recording time had finished the red recording light stays on. I have searched through the menus but cannot see any options. Any help much appreciated.

08-02-11, 08:02
Is permanent timeshift enabled?

08-02-11, 08:13
Yes perm time shift is enabled, I have been in and disabled and re-booted but it stayed on. It has now gone off after I unassigned my Dyndns account from my router... very strange

08-02-11, 08:21
It would have nothing to do with your Dyndns account. Simply disable permanent timeshift, then change channel, the recording light should then go off.

08-02-11, 08:33
Thanks , so to rewind on a channel that I have been watching for I would need to enable perm time shift

08-02-11, 08:48
Thanks , so to rewind on a channel that I have been watching for I would need to enable perm time shift

In short, yes :)