View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] HBBTV plugin error

22-08-19, 13:43
Dear all/Hi sicilian

When restoring, not all plugings work as expected. HBBTV plugin did not install. Tried to install by downloading it and got the following error:
calculate_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy tghe following dependencies for enigma2-plugin-extensons-hbbtv:
vuplus-opera-browser-util* opkg_solver_install: Cannot install package enigma2-plugin-extensions-hbbtv.

Is there anything missing?

When I am looking at the plugin list I see Opera Web Browser. Opening this, going to the preferences and adjusting the screen settings it crashes.

What would you suggest? Plain install and one-to-one installation of all plugins?

Thanks for having an eye on it.

abu baniaz
22-08-19, 20:06
Try installing it by command line and post back the output please.

22-08-19, 20:16
never done this - can you pls give me a hint on how to do it - is there a written instruction

Thanks a lot for your quick help

abu baniaz
22-08-19, 20:44
Should be follwing command. (Guide to commands in my signature if you need it)

opkg install enigma2-plugin-extensions-hbbtv

22-08-19, 21:26
Installed the tool and did as instructed.

220 (vsFTPd 3.0.3)
530 Please login with USER and PASS.
USER .....
331 Please specify the password.
PASS ............
230 Login successful.
opkg install enigma2-plugin-extensions-hbbtv
500 Unknown command.

What went wrong?

22-08-19, 21:30
…. you need to use telnet or putty, not ftp.

22-08-19, 22:50
used putty with telnet method as show in abu baniaz commands document

22-08-19, 22:57
Another try

Welcome to OpenViX for vusolo2
openvix 5.3 vusolo2

vusolo2 login: ....
Last login: Thu Aug 22 21:53:27 CEST 2019 on pts/0
root@vusolo2:~# opkg install enigma2-plugin-extensions-hbbtv
Collected errors:
* opkg_lock: Could not create lock file /run/opkg.lock: No space left on device.

abu baniaz
22-08-19, 23:28
You have run out of space on the internal flash memory of your receiver by the looks of it.

MAy I suggets you flash again, do not restore anything. Then just install that plugin

23-08-19, 00:03
Done new Flash and installed plugins one by one. Hbbtv doesn't like me anymore. Currently I have 5.8M free memory. E2iplayer is definitely consuming a lot and the cache of the mp3 browser too. But I had all of the on my last 5.2.045 too. Will kick out backups from 5.2.043 and 5.2.044 and see if this gets more. In the worst case I will have to go back to 5.2.045.

Thanks anyway for hinting on the memory.

23-08-19, 08:35
used putty with telnet method as show in abu baniaz commands document

OK, but post #5 was an FTP session. #8 is a telnet session.

23-08-19, 08:57
Now I get through telnet this:

Welcome to OpenViX for vusolo2
openvix 5.3 vusolo2

vusolo2 login: root
Last login: Fri Aug 23 00:43:56 CEST 2019 on pts/0
root@vusolo2:~# opkg install enigma2-plugin-extensions-hbbtv
Collected errors:
* calculate_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for enigma2-plugin-extensions-hbbtv:
* vuplus-opera-browser-util *
* opkg_solver_install: Cannot install package enigma2-plugin-extensions-hbbtv.

This means to me that something is odd that I cannot install vuplus-opera-browser-util in the first place. There is no plugin to download the opera browser.

23-08-19, 09:12
You reported exactly the same problem 2 years ago (and solved it).

Maybe the same solution.....


11-10-19, 15:18
Flashed 5.3.005 with restore of settings only - no restore of plugins and manual load of plugins. Still the same - all plugings could be installed except of Hbbtv. Still the same error message. It is a pity to have lost this very essential feature. Any clue who could be asked to add the opera-browser-utility?

Thanks in advance for any hint

05-11-19, 09:35
With release 5.3.008 still the same. This is my solution: Flash of release 5.2.045 and restore settings and plugins from 5.2.045. Result: with 5.2.045 HbbTV works perfectly. Opera plugin is installed.
For me it is obvious: 5.3.... releases lack the opera plugin and as VU+ Solo2 has mipsel it requires opera for HbbTV. There is nothing odd on how I flashed the 5.3. releases and downloaded the plugins.

As a consequence I will remain on release 5.2.045 unless someone can tell me that this bug is fixed.

05-11-19, 14:04
Are you able to check OpenATV please?


06-11-19, 11:58
installed ATV6.3 and downloaded HbbTV plugin. It works.59411

06-11-19, 18:30
In plugins > Extensions > Install webkithbbtv, this works.

I think the plugin named HBBTV maybe an old plugin that needs removing. Just tested on an Uno 4K SE and VU+ Ultimo 4K.

07-11-19, 20:47
reinstalled release
in /extensions there is no plugin called either Install webkithbbtv or webkithbbtv

Tough luck. Any suggestions?

13-01-20, 11:37
In plugins > Extensions > Install webkithbbtv, this works.

I think the plugin named HBBTV maybe an old plugin that needs removing. Just tested on an Uno 4K SE and VU+ Ultimo 4K.

This webkithbbtv ables hbbtv version 1.0 but no more. Does the same as OpenATV image with hbbtv. At he moment you need at least version 1.5 of hbbtv to get more than just epg information. Version 1.5 gives more in my Sony KD-55AF9 tv, but at he moment for example in Finland you should have version 2.0 to see so called pay-tv Hybrid Beta channels. Not very easy this HbbTV.

13-01-20, 11:43
Only few tv models at the moment support HbbTV 2.0:
LG: WebOS-models starting 2017 (webOS3.5, 4.0 ja 4.5)
Panasonic: My Home Screen-models starting 2018 (My Home Screen versiot 3 ja 4)
Samsung: year 2019 -models

21-01-20, 09:45
In plugins > Extensions > Install webkithbbtv, this works.

I think the plugin named HBBTV maybe an old plugin that needs removing. Just tested on an Uno 4K SE and VU+ Ultimo 4K.

Does anybody know how to contact this plugin maker? I understand hbbtv is not familiar in all countries, but surely coming fast. Also to Brexit Britain :)

15-01-21, 18:02
Any news on this issue?

15-01-21, 20:57
No news. Now on 5.4.004. When trying to install the same message as before
Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for enigma2-plugin-extenions-hbbtv:

I have given up and just use mediaportal for my purposes.

19-01-21, 20:25
Got today an update message (again with same release number 5.4.004) on my screen and was wondering what changed. There I read: 16/01/21 17:07:00 Captain add openhbbtv qt plugin.
After performing the update I went into plugin downloads but did not find it.
Where is this plugin and is this supposed to be the fix for my long endured issue with hbbtv?

Any clue?

19-01-21, 20:28
It'll be the update problem mentioned here....


20-01-21, 08:47
I do not think that the link has anything to do with it. He did not find it in the list. afaik captain is from ATV so it can take some days before the plugin will be in our feeds as well if there are no reasons to not include it.


20-01-21, 10:41

20-01-21, 10:42
I do not think that the link has anything to do with it. He did not find it in the list. afaik captain is from ATV so it can take some days before the plugin will be in our feeds as well if there are no reasons to not include it.fI can see the reference to openhbbrv qt plugin on the first page of the gui release notes, but a software update shows no updates found, so I reckon the link probably is relevent.

20-01-21, 16:14
To make sure that nothing was lost I downloaded and flashed the image. Afterwards I restored the settings and plugins. Nothing changed, still cannot see openhbbtv qt plugin in the download list.

20-01-21, 16:28
.... it won't be there until the next ViX release at the earliest.

21-01-21, 17:36
Better late than never.