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View Full Version : Connect to receiver without router

28-06-19, 09:49
This may be elementary to some but I need guidance. My wifi connection between STB (Zgemma H7s - openvix) and laptop (windows 8) is unpredictable. How do I connect between the two with a LAN cable and which cable do I need? Is there some setup procedure to make them talk to each other? Is there a guide somewhere? Search didn't find anything.

28-06-19, 10:00
You would use ethernet cable from your laptop to the router and you would use an ethernet cable from your Zgemma to your router. I always say hardwired is best as Wifi is temperamental.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

28-06-19, 10:20
Thanks for that, but I don't have a router or broadband (only wifi/data hotspot on phone) so was looking for a direct connection to laptop if possible.

28-06-19, 14:22
Anyone advise please!

28-06-19, 14:36
So why don_t you connect to the phone????

28-06-19, 20:57

better off getting a bb service as would that not put a greater strain on phone using laptop and boxes.

29-06-19, 06:28
twol - at the moment, when I connect to the laptop via wifi, I can connect to the internet - no problem. The difficulty is getting connection to the laptop in the first instance as the settings seem to keep changing so was looking for a wired connection solution just for when I want to ftp/make changes to the box?

cactikid - a bb service would not help me most of the time as we travel around Europe in a motorhome for a good portion of the year For our purposes, the phone data connection to the rest of the world 9internet) works perfectly. Were you suggesting I could use the phone as a router?

29-06-19, 06:35
You can now buy small boxes that work with a virtual sim that can be used in most countries in the world that act a router wherever you maybe - the sim charges are also lower.
My wife has one for her business travels and we have tested it in UK, Germany, France, Italy, South Africa and works well whether you are in a hotel or business conference etc so should be fine for you.
You just login to the box and away you go..

29-06-19, 06:54
Thanks, will explore further.

29-06-19, 09:46
do you have ethernet connector on both devices ?
If so use a cross over cable and put your pc eth interface on mask and gateway .Put the box on mask and gateway .Now both devices should be connected.
No need for extra boxes between them.

29-06-19, 09:50
do you have ethernet connector on both devices ?
If so use a cross over cable and put your pc eth interface on mask and gateway .Put the box on mask and gateway .Now both devices should be connected.
No need for extra boxes between them.


29-06-19, 10:48
do you have ethernet connector on both devices ?
If so use a cross over cable...Some Ethernet devices can auto-detect what to do and hence can work without a crossover cable.


29-06-19, 11:55
@twol's suggestion is the easiest solution - the various mobile service providers all offer SIM-based devices which can act as WiFi routers, automatically managing IP addresses which saves all the hassle of setting up device and gateway addresses manually. Some have ethernet ports which you can extend with simple hubs (if needed) giving you hard-wired options. Just google "mobile broadband".

29-06-19, 13:00
Wow, thanks for all the suggestions. Both devices, laptop and STB have ethernet sockets. Looks like there is a simple solution to to any situation I may have. A simple cable connection via a crossover cable when internet is not required to a SIM-based hub/router for when internet is needed.

In its simplistic form, the suggestion by bellejt is was I thought would help me just getting to be able to FTP to and from the STB . Just need a cross over cable now. I will look at the other options also.

Still learning about all this interconnectivity, you're all helping a lot.

Thanks again all!

29-06-19, 13:54
Wow, thanks for all the suggestions. Both devices, laptop and STB have ethernet sockets. Looks like there is a simple solution to to any situation I may have. A simple cable connection via a crossover cable when internet is not required to a SIM-based hub/router for when internet is needed.

In its simplistic form, the suggestion by bellejt is was I thought would help me just getting to be able to FTP to and from the STB . Just need a cross over cable now. I will look at the other options also.

Still learning about all this interconnectivity, you're all helping a lot.

Thanks again all!

You may not need a crossover cable. Modern ethernet cards are able to detect a connection using a straight through cable. What you must have, though, is compatible IP addresses in both devices as per @bellejt's post. A router would simplify the allocation of addresses if you use DHCP, but if you're comfortable with assigning your own, then go for it!

29-06-19, 15:12
Thanks fat-tony, I ordered a straight thro cable yesterday and now a crossover cable today so will have to see what works when they arrive. Thanks for the info!

30-06-19, 23:11
If there is no way to run a cable between them (ie without boring holes and routing cables through your home) you could maybe look at Home Plug ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HomePlug ) technology. This tech uses two or more "wall warts" which send the data over your existing mains cabling. It is slower than direct cable, but can be faster and more stable than WiFi which suffers from weak spots and interference.

This is a link to a HomePlug product, I am in no way recommending this product, just an example of what it is - https://www.argos.co.uk/product/5742734

01-07-19, 11:42
Thank you clivejo, they look very interesting and could be used later when connecting between rooms. My immediate need is for a wired (LAN) connection between box and laptop for DCC or channelizer for file transferring etc., because of my unpredictable wifi connection/set between the 2. When I can connect via wifi between the two it is perfect but can't be guaranteed.

04-07-19, 14:15
Patch and crossover LAN cables arrived. Setup as suggested and have connection between laptop and stb (showing green link bars on DCC). Either cable will work but the problem is that DCC won't or can't show any files or folders in left screen for for the flash/hdd. Telnet commands work e.g. init 4 then init 3 so there is communication happening. Any ideas please?

abu baniaz
04-07-19, 14:23
DCC uses a gateway (router).

Try Filezilla, FlashXP, WinSCP or similar

04-07-19, 14:33
I'm not familiar with DCC - it seems to be a form of IRC transfer. Have you used it when you were on WiFi? I would normally use FileZilla to transfer files between the box and my PC. The FTP port is available on the box by default as it's running a server - maybe IRC is not? Other things to ensure is that you have the correct IP address of the box configured and the correct user (root) and a blank password set in DCC (or FileZilla).

- sorry abu - didn't spot your post!

04-07-19, 14:52
Dreambox Control Centre works fine on wifi on my Zgemma H7s and used to work on the old box but now can't get it to work with my Mutant 11HD hence the attempt to connect by LAN cable. Wondering if a glitch has occurred on the box because when the Mutant has wifi dongle and HDMI cable in, the picture keeps blinking off and on? If I use A/V cable or HDMI with no wifi dongle in, no problem! A/V cable with wifi dongle in, no problem with picture but wifi doesn't work. I haven't mastered filezilla but I tried to DreamboxEdit and E-chanelizer and they wouldn't/couldn't read the box.

04-07-19, 15:01
Have you tried installing samba in network menu? I just use windows file explorer and goto network and I can see my box just like I can see other devices ie. Laptops, pc and TV. I don't need to use FTP programs

04-07-19, 15:14
"Have you tried installing samba in network menu?".Samba would be a new venture for me but willing to give it a go. Read about it but don't have a clue what it is exactly? Would need some guidance on that please?

04-07-19, 15:21
There's not much of a tutorial in network menu, utilities choose samba it should install once installed see if you can see your box on pc/laptop in network

abu baniaz
04-07-19, 15:24
Look at the diagram for DCC showing connections. It will be easier to understand it that way.

Some pepple had issues connecting with DCC and had to use a specific version. Maybe that is at play too.

04-07-19, 15:27
Thanks, will give it go! Oh just remembered, I can't get on to the internet for plugin downloads with this box. Is there somewhere I could download an IPK file for Samba?

04-07-19, 15:35
DCC v1.41 can be used without router and choose direct crossover cable.

04-07-19, 15:49
Thanks, that's what I always do but on this box, it just doen't want to read the box? i.e. blank panel where the /etc folder usually shows! Everything works fine on the other box.

04-07-19, 15:51
Thanks, will give it go! Oh just remembered, I can't get on to the internet for plugin downloads with this box. Is there somewhere I could download an IPK file for Samba?

Samba should be further down on your list of priorities. Get basic file transfer working first. Dreambox Control Centre has telnet and ftp client so should work with the box standard software. (The DCC abbreviation meant something different to me as I have never used Dreambox CC). I think you have some basic IP mis-configuration or are missing user/password info. What IP addresses are you using for the PC and the box?

04-07-19, 16:07
Thanks, I setup as #10 above and with the LAN cable (because wifi was a problem) the connection between stb and pc is established. Telnet functions are ok but ftp is a no go because the box flash isn't being read and displayed! As I said no problem setting up and connecting and using Dreambox CC on my other box with the same procedure albeit using wifi.

04-07-19, 16:13
Thanks, I setup as #10 above and with the LAN cable (because wifi was a problem) the connection between stb and pc is established. Telnet functions are ok but ftp is a no go because the box flash isn't being read and displayed! As I said no problem setting up and connecting and using Dreambox CC on my other box with the same procedure albeit using wifi.

04-07-19, 16:25
Sorry - duplicate reply.

04-07-19, 16:46
No problem with duplicate reply. IP addresses must be ok then as telnet is working but I don't quite understand about your comment regarding ftp nogo. If the box is booting, then ftp should connect to internal file system - you should be able to see contents of system directories. What do you mean about flash not being read and displayed?

Here's an extract of a filezilla log where I connect to my Quad Plus box and rename a couple of picon files:

2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Status: Connecting to
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Response: 220 (vsFTPd 3.0.3)
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Command: AUTH TLS
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Response: 530 Please login with USER and PASS.
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Command: AUTH SSL
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Response: 530 Please login with USER and PASS.
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Status: Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS.
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Command: USER root
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Response: 331 Please specify the password.
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Command: PASS ********
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Response: 230 Login successful.
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Command: SYST
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Response: 215 UNIX Type: L8
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Command: FEAT
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Response: 211-Features:
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Response: EPRT
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Response: EPSV
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Response: MDTM
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Response: PASV
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Response: REST STREAM
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Response: SIZE
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Response: TVFS
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Response: UTF8
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Response: 211 End
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Command: OPTS UTF8 ON
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Response: 200 Always in UTF8 mode.
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Status: Logged in
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Status: Retrieving directory listing...
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Command: PWD
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Response: 257 "/" is the current directory
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Command: TYPE I
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Response: 200 Switching to Binary mode.
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Command: PASV
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,0,125,206,76).
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Command: LIST
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Response: 150 Here comes the directory listing.
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Response: 226 Directory send OK.
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Command: PASV
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,0,125,228,194).
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Command: LIST -a
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Response: 150 Here comes the directory listing.
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Response: 226 Directory send OK.
2019-01-28 14:46:06 6631 1 Status: Directory listing of "/" successful
2019-01-28 14:46:19 6631 1 Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/picon"...
2019-01-28 14:46:19 6631 1 Command: CWD picon
2019-01-28 14:46:19 6631 1 Response: 250 Directory successfully changed.
2019-01-28 14:46:19 6631 1 Command: PWD
2019-01-28 14:46:19 6631 1 Response: 257 "/picon" is the current directory
2019-01-28 14:46:19 6631 1 Command: PASV
2019-01-28 14:46:19 6631 1 Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,0,125,142,17).
2019-01-28 14:46:19 6631 1 Command: LIST -a
2019-01-28 14:46:19 6631 1 Response: 150 Here comes the directory listing.
2019-01-28 14:46:29 6631 1 Response: 226 Directory send OK.
2019-01-28 14:46:29 6631 1 Status: Directory listing of "/picon" successful
2019-01-28 14:48:02 6631 1 Status: Renaming '/picon/virginmediaone.png' to '/picon/virginmedia1.png'
2019-01-28 14:48:02 6631 1 Command: RNFR virginmediaone.png
2019-01-28 14:48:02 6631 1 Response: 350 Ready for RNTO.
2019-01-28 14:48:02 6631 1 Command: RNTO virginmedia1.png
2019-01-28 14:48:02 6631 1 Response: 250 Rename successful.
2019-01-28 14:48:26 6631 1 Status: Renaming '/picon/virginmediatwo.png' to '/picon/virginmedia2.png'
2019-01-28 14:48:26 6631 1 Command: RNFR virginmediatwo.png
2019-01-28 14:48:26 6631 1 Response: 350 Ready for RNTO.
2019-01-28 14:48:26 6631 1 Command: RNTO virginmedia2.png

04-07-19, 16:59
Yes - the box is rebooting, the telnet and ftp function indicate that they are activated/connected, but the ftp screen doesn't display the internal file system, just a blank panel. "Flash not being read and displayed" is my clumsy attempt to describe what you refer to as internal file system like you would see in file manager on a PC. Sorry.

04-07-19, 17:05
Can you attach the DCC log where it is failing to connect and we might be able to see what the issue is. As I say, I don't use DCC, so I'm not familiar with its operation, but presumably there is a logging facility? Do you set the IP address of the box in the DCC user interface settings and also do you set up the user and password of the box?

04-07-19, 17:46
I am still a novice and going backwards. The more you learn, the more you find that you don't know!

There is a log facility on DCC but I won't be able to get into for a while until I setup the box again. I do set the IP addresses of the box and the laptop in the DCC user interface settings and also set up the user (name) and password (which be anything) of the box? Exactly the same way as I do for my Zgemma H7 and that works fine on wifi.

04-07-19, 17:52
the username of all the boxes is "root" and the password is blank. The IP address of the box on the direct connection is if you are using the info in post #10. When you use the WiFi connection through your 'phone hotspot I would imagine the IP address would be different, unless you are manually configuring it.

04-07-19, 18:44
I am manually configuring! It might seem a little unorthodox but my pc is set as a hotspot which allows connectivity between pc and box and when I need internet connection I connect pc to the phone "hot spot" which allows stb to route through to the internet. All works well with anything else but the Mutant 11HD. The problem seems looking more likely to be a stb problem but will know better tomorrow when a new alternative box arrives from WoS.

04-07-19, 18:49
maybe you need setting a password on box for FTP.Needed to do that also here for it to keep connected.Just setted root and password and working since ever.

04-07-19, 18:56
Yes, I did that. When I checked with my Zgemma , that would not read the box system files without a password. Just put any password in and it works???

04-07-19, 20:34
yes .Easy put your first name so you remember