View Full Version : RyVIX EPG problem

06-02-11, 21:43

I have switched to RyVIX epg as crossepg is not working very wel. When i deleted and cleared the EPG cache i started to configure RyVIX EPG. I only select the Rytec Benelux XMLTV source and when i press manual it download the EPG data. My EPG.dat is around 1Mb in size. However i don't see the EPG of the belgium channels. I do see the EPG of the Netherlands channels. Is this a problem with the source file or what?
I did reboot the receiver but that is also not working.
What could be the problem?

06-02-11, 21:54
The latest source file is 22/12/10
It sounds like its a Rytec problem
You would be better posting in the EPG Support forum as Rytec post there: http://www.world-of-satellite.com/forumdisplay.php?163-Rytec-RyVIX-XMLTV-and-EPG-support
maybe a Mod will move your post

06-02-11, 21:54
Please post this issue here http://www.world-of-satellite.com/forumdisplay.php?163-Rytec-RyVIX-XMLTV-and-EPG-support Using the correct prefix when you post.