View Full Version : [VU+ Uno4K] History zap error

09-06-19, 15:11
Hi I have a crash on history zapping using the < > at either side of remote from TV viewing. This was fine before upgrading to 5.2.042

I can press < or > and see previous viewed channels as soon as I press ok on a channel I get a crash. Log attached

< 3152.268> Traceback (most recent call last):
< 3152.268> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 235, in processDelay
< 3152.269> callback(*retval)
< 3152.269> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/ChannelSelection.py", line 2430, in historyMenuClosed
< 3152.274> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/ChannelSelection.py", line 2388, in setHistoryPath
< 3152.274> TypeError: sc_playService() got an unexpected keyword argument 'adjust'
< 3152.274> [ePyObject] (CallObject(<bound method Session.processDelay of <__main__.Session instance at 0x9c93fdf0>>,()) failed)

10-06-19, 10:15
Do you have keys assigned in buttonsetup for previous and next <>? ... or for zapUp or zapDown CH+ CH-?

10-06-19, 12:07
No history zap is normally built in if that's what it's called. I can see the channels it just crashes when pressing ok to zap to a channel.

abu baniaz
10-06-19, 13:05
I cannot reproduce this crash using DVb services. The last tangible change to channel selection.py was in October 2018.

Is the crash you are experiencing n IPTV services? If not, can you try a flash with no restores?

10-06-19, 13:30
I had same a while ago I re flashed and problem was resolved the problem for me

10-06-19, 13:54
It happens on all sat, cable and iptv. I'll try a reflash but I'm using openmultiboot plugin and I don't want to loose my flash image. I'll add it to another boot.

abu baniaz
10-06-19, 14:33
OpenMultiboot images are on HDD, so those won't be lost. You can backup the flash image.

Just for info, I am convinced some weirdness occurs with OMB, I posted a bug on PLI forum. It did not occur without OMB.

10-06-19, 14:53
Added 5.2.042 to multiboot upload. Scanned ABM on my dvb-c tuner and history zap was fine then installed sundtek plugin and scanned both sat and cable again fine.

So I did settings restore and edited epgselection.py it seems fine.

I'll keep eye on it, it must of been a bug somewhere but I'm not sure where.