View Full Version : Can you give us an eta for 1.4?

06-02-11, 19:41
Hi folks
I'm gonna ask what everyone else is thinking ....
Can you give us a rough ETA for VIX Image 1.4 ?

06-02-11, 19:45
It will be released when its ready, thats as much as we are going to say. Hopefully not too long now as we are in the final stages.

06-02-11, 19:46
I think a date was given it was somthing like 24/2/2035 if it is released before then considerit as early lol in other words when its ready which I hear wont be long.

06-02-11, 20:07
I don’t think we should be in any rush 1.3 is stable and fantastic!!!

06-02-11, 20:22
I don’t think we should be in any rush 1.3 is stable and fantastic!!!

Tell that to all the Nova-T and other non Sundtek owners of whom there are many

06-02-11, 20:27
Nova-T will be supported in both the Duo and the Solo ;)

06-02-11, 20:31
Tell that to all the Nova-T and other non Sundtek owners of whom there are many

if you dont like it there are many others to choose from, badgering the team for a release date before it is ready wont make it get here any sooner.

06-02-11, 20:33
if you dont like it there are many others to choose from, badgering the team for a release date before it is ready wont make it get here any sooner.

None quite as good as ViX though :D

Dont worry guys, its worth the wait.

06-02-11, 20:35
None quite as good as ViX though :D

Dont worry guys, its worth the wait.

i whole heartily agree but people constantly badgering for a release date kinda irk me. LOL. personally i'm a great believer of patience, or if you think you can do better go for it.


06-02-11, 20:36
Does the nova stick mean you will suport the HD terrestrial variant?

06-02-11, 20:54
if you dont like it there are many others to choose from, badgering the team for a release date before it is ready wont make it get here any sooner.

i whole heartily agree but people constantly badgering for a release date kinda irk me. LOL. personally i'm a great believer of patience, or if you think you can do better go for it.


Badgering ?
I have asked a very reasonable question in very reasonable and polite tone. I have only asked this question once.
May I remind you that some folks on here are financial contributors and supporters, and I would have thought it reasonable to ask for a "rough eta" for a software update.

06-02-11, 21:06
Badgering ?
I have asked a very reasonable question in very reasonable and polite tone. I have only asked this question once.
May I remind you that some folks on here are financial contributors and supporters, and I would have thought it reasonable to ask for a "rough eta" for a software update.

actually you DONATION as was mine may i add, was made towards the running and upkeep of the forum not the production of any form of software. the VIX image is in no way a commercial venture and donations do not count towards it unless you are specifically making a gift of say a terrestrial dongle for testing purposes.

and my comment was not solely directed towards you but the the shear number of people who constantly badger for release dates. it has been said numerous times, it will be ready when its ready.

06-02-11, 21:10
i think you make the mistake of thinking vuplus site and vix are the same thing. the team does not get and does not expect to get a penny for the vix image. sicilians excellent vuplus site hosts discussion on vix and many images and a home to release it and any contributors to the vuplus site are for supporting hosting costs and maintenance not the vix dev team who again i say do not ask or want payment for the image. so in that sense you are wrong and i think you can freely ask about an eta for images but people {and i am not saying just you } but many many people constantly asking the same question does get quite frustrating for all involved. as it is impossible to give an eta until it is ready as EVERY DAY the image is added to in beta stages with new modules and updates and every section of that image has to be once again tested. as im sure you understand if it was released and had flaws of which there can be quite a few in beta stages everybody would be writing and complaining on these problems and saying we should not release an image if it is not working. and think if the image was ready would we just sit with it and not release it??? sorry if this appears like i am directing it at you dnme, believe me im not but is towards the people on various sites who continuously ask this question {even after just a few days of releasing an image they look for next one} it will be released when ready and tested so please everyone be patient and look forward to what the team have already said is going to be a great image.

EDIT: Phoenix beat me to it lol

06-02-11, 21:23
why don't y'all just relax a little. Before I asked the question, I did a few searches on here for terms "vix 1.4", "image 1.4", "1.4" and another that escapes me. I think I found 2 posts that were unrelated. So if there is "badgering" then it aint happening here.

Also, if there is badgering, then let the developers take that as a compliment. Lots of people everywhere all waiting for the next fix. I'm a dev, I have worked on freeware and loved the feedback. Do gooders, get over yourselves, If the devs here have a problem, I'm sure they can speak for themselves.

This forum facilitates the dev's, it's their conduit. So if people support it, they are indirectly supporting the devs. Those who support, do so happily for a great product and a great forum. But by-jayziz, the holier than thou high horse attitudes by some here are sickening.

Just relax for god sakes will ya ppl

06-02-11, 21:31
Ok guys, lets all relax here :)

As I stated images aren't too far away, we're in the final stages of testing. As Chris pointed out each build brings news bugs that have to be fixed.

I'm going to close this thread now because no more really needs to be said other than whats already been said.