View Full Version : Recorded Files Question

06-02-11, 11:58
I have a question to ask and i dont know if the VU+ Duo is capable of doing this on the VIX 1.3 image if this is something that could be included on the 1.4 image. i used to own a FOXSAT HDR and when you went into your recorded files it would list single programme that you recorded, however if had recorded more than one thing of the same programme it conviently put it in a seperate folder instead of having a mass long list of everything. so for example i record Star Trek DS9 from CBS Action because its on every night 6 days a week i was hoping that it would put all the recordings in a seperate folder but it list them all singularly and has you can imagine the list of recorded stuff is about 4 pages long as i only really have Sundays to watch anything :D. Is it an option in the menus i am missing or is this a good idea for implementation for VIX 1.4. Any feedback would be appreciated

06-02-11, 12:32
I've not used VIX, so I can't advise on that.

With openPLi, "tags" for each recording are automatically set from the name. In the recorded program list, when a tag is chosen from the list, only those files matching it are displayed. For example, with no effort on my part, I could select "Trek" from the tag list and see only the Star Trek episodes.

When I shift stuff from the box to archival storage, I just mount the STB disc using SMB and use the filtering in the (Mac OS-X) Finder to select all of the files for the same program.

06-02-11, 17:14
thanks thats great the VIX image can do this as well if you press the blue button TAGS and select one of the programmes you have recorded multiples of you will just get that particular programme displaying but is there anyway it can do this automatically or can these be implemented in the next VIX release as i think this would be very handy, as i have a wife who recorded lots and i normally do a 50 hour week with the odd Sunday off :-) so as you can imagine i have quite a lot in the recorded files section and at times its a little messy. at the moment i have just short of 100 items in there

06-02-11, 19:40
Open PLi has a nice function, you can create your own directory ,and record series to a specific directory.The full yellow marker is watched program to end, half full marker half program watched and so on, no marker and the program has not been started at all.You can move a recorded prog to a elective directory with the remotecontrol.