View Full Version : [CrossEPG-Sources] EPG missing for Finnish dvb-c channels

02-05-19, 07:52
I'm using Vu+ Solo², OpenViX 5.2.040
For some days the EPG for the Finnish satellite channels is missing.
EPG for other countries and also for Finnish channels via DVB-T tuner are ok.


abu baniaz
02-05-19, 13:34
Have these been available using Rytec before?

02-05-19, 14:52
Yes they have. And now I did a new download and almost all channels have 5 days epg...
Some are still missing.

abu baniaz
03-05-19, 01:17
I have asked on the PLI forum, where the Rytec team are more prominent. They dislike CrossEPG, so best to try with EPG importer.

03-05-19, 04:40
I deleted the CrossEPG and tested with EPG importer and the result is the same. Only Finnish DVB-T channels get the EPG, DVB-S channels not.

03-05-19, 05:46
It seems to be problem only with the Finnish EPG. For example I added Rytec Norway and all Norwegian channels get EPG.

abu baniaz
03-05-19, 11:01
Doglover found an error and resolved it. Try again please.

03-05-19, 11:06
Yes, it works!
Thanks for your help!