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View Full Version : Plug and play DVB-C tuner no signal / no sound on boot

13-04-19, 17:50
Hi folks, just recently bought a UHD Quad. I've configured the tuners but for some reason, when I perfom a manual scan on either Tuner I, or J it comes back with zero channels found whereas ABM finds hundreds. I've just backwards flashed fresh to OpenVix 5.2.024 from latest. Any ideas why manual scan doesn't pick anything up?
Additionally, when I boot up, or reboot I don't get any sound. If I put the TV into standby and back on, the sound comes back. I've tried a couple of HDMI leads but the problem still persists. No issues with this TV when using my old TM2T. Hope someone can help?

abu baniaz
13-04-19, 18:22
What have you set your tuners as?

13-04-19, 19:31
Hi Abu,

Tuners A & B are fixed sat tuners.
I & J are DVB-C plug and play tuner set to my area net id (same as ABM)
ABM works fine and my signal is over 80%

abu baniaz
13-04-19, 19:46
Not detailed enough to work out what you have set it as.

My cable tuners are set as:

Configure DVBC = yes
Net ID = 00000 (Makes no difference in UK/Ireland)
Used Service scan type = provider
Country = UK
Region = Virgin UK (ex CW)

Maybe you can answer in similar manner for your cable tuner.

13-04-19, 19:49
Both tuners are set as

Configure DVBC = yes
Net ID = 00000 (Makes no difference in UK/Ireland)
Used Service scan type = provider
Country = UK
Region = Virgin UK All areas

abu baniaz
13-04-19, 20:35
The "Virgin all areas" is all the frequencies, most of which do not apply to everyone. It takes a long time before finding services. Did you wait for it to complete or give up when it was not finding services?

What is your NetID?
You said ABM works. Can you attach the lamedb/lamedb5 files that are created by ABM please? You will need to zip before you can attach to forum. They will be in /etc/engima2

13-04-19, 20:55

Files attached as requested.

My net id is 00015

I've scanned and given up after 10% and also let it run to 100% and it still came back blank


abu baniaz
13-04-19, 23:34
Thanks. ill have a look at it tomorrow. Best you set tuner to pure area.

14-04-19, 09:27
I've tried Pure too, with the same result. Just noticed that when I go to signal finder (on a channel I'm watching), it shows SNR and AGC values for a split second before dropping to zero and if I exit and come back it does the same. Is that worth noting?

14-04-19, 10:46
This morning, I have tried Vix OpenVix 5.2.022 and OpenAtv 6.3 and OpenHdf 6.4. All come back with the same results. I'm beginning to wonder if the tuner is the problem. I will try my old Sundtek tuner and see if that works and report back.

14-04-19, 11:08
The Sundtek Tuner didn't install correctly, so back to square one.

16-04-19, 06:23
Good Morning @AbuBaniaz , have you had a chance to look into this further?

16-04-19, 07:42
If ABM finds channels and you're able to view channels there's no hardware fault. Issue will lie somewhere else.

You can also test DVB-C/T2 tuners connecting to Terrestrial aerial and set to T2. Try a manual scan connected to a Terrestrial aerial.

abu baniaz
16-04-19, 15:36
Good afternoon.

Sorry, not had a chance to look at it. Had family issues.

16-04-19, 21:24
A T2 scan rings up 100 channels on either tuner. Do I need to try a new/better quality cable perhaps?

abu baniaz
19-04-19, 01:41
You can place this file in /etc/enigma2 and then restart. A manual, complete scan should scan just these frequencies. These are the cable frequencies from the services ABM found in your area. This file is useless to people not in Pure area.

abu baniaz
19-04-19, 02:00
I have a Gigablue UE 4K with a hybrid tuner. A manual scan works for cable as well as terrestrial. You posted your tuner configuration, we recently changed code. Please double check it is still correct.

The USB tuners are still not working.

20-04-19, 08:12
You can place this file in /etc/enigma2 and then restart. A manual, complete scan should scan just these frequencies. These are the cable frequencies from the services ABM found in your area. This file is useless to people not in Pure area.

Thanks to Abu, this worked!

20-04-19, 08:15
Just the possible HDMI handshake sound issue that's bothering me now. At the the moment, I have to switch the box on before the TV and the sound is present straight away but If I reboot, I have to put the TV into standby or the sound disappears again. Anything that I can do, or is it a driver problem?