View Full Version : Path to internal HDD lost! HELP please.

05-02-11, 11:19
I'm trying out some network devices and had created several mount points for them.

I set up a new one and did a clean up and deleted the mount points for the devices I would not be using any more.

I swear I only deleted the mount points for the devices not in use.

Now, hdd/movie points to a network share, and I can't figure out how to get it pointing back to the internal disc!

A recording that started automatically is now going to a network share, since the default recording path is hdd/movie, and that now points somewhere I don't want it to.

What did I do and how do I fix it, please?

I do still have the internal disc mounted across my LAN as a SMB share. I'm reluctant to dismount it in case I can't get it back!

05-02-11, 11:57
Exploring with telnet (and keep in mind I'm a Linux novice).
Using df, I can't see anything that looks like the internal disc, so I think that means it was dismounted somehow.
I think what I need to do is remount it using something like:
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/hdd

Mind you, there is already an entry for mnt/hdd@ - the one that leads to the network device now being used for recording. I'm guessing that the @ denotes a network share.
I've got some recordings scheduled for the next several hours, so I won't mess with it just yet.

Somebody please let me know if I'm on the right track or if I'm about to make things a whole lot worse.

05-02-11, 12:22
Update 2:
As a test, after a bit of a false start, I did:
mkdir mnt/samsung
mount /dev/sda1 mnt/samsung

... and that mounted the internal disc for me under a different name - samsung. I didn't want to try 'hdd' yet.

I can now navigate to mnt/samsung using the Vu+ remote, so that's promising.
It doesn't appear in the known 'locations' though.

06-02-11, 02:20
Well, to continue the monologue:

I thought I'd just try restarting the Vu+ - maybe that was an obvious thing to try.
That advanced things a little, but for reasons as yet unknown, the internal disc was being mounted using a mountpoint directory for a network share.

I deleted that mountpoint and restarted again.
Same thing.

Here's what I have now that seems odd.
There is no entry in fstab to mount /dev/sda1, yet it is mounted.
df shows that it is accessible via the mountpoint /media/net/iMac, which I had deleted using the mountpoint manager.

SMB access to the internal drive works as expected. That's because smb.conf shares /media/hdd, and that points to /media/net/iMac, which is actually sda1.

The web interface to the box can't find it though. I've got options of /autofs/sd1, which shows only an epg.dat file (the video files are actually in the movie directory below this and so are invisible), or /hdd/movie, which shows "No movies to display", which I don't understand.

My main questions now are:
- if fstab didn't cause sda1 to be mounted, what did?
- why did it do so using /media/net/iMac as a mount point?
- where is that name, '/media/net/iMac' stored to be used erroneously, since according to the mounpoint manager on the box, it doesn't exist.


06-02-11, 20:00
The etc/fstab in Open PLi 2.0 shall be like this untouched

rootfs / auto defaults 1 1
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
devpts /dev/pts devpts mode=0620,gid=5 0 0
usbfs /proc/bus/usb usbfs defaults 0 0
tmpfs /var/volatile tmpfs defaults 0 0
tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs mode=0777 0 0