View Full Version : motor movement on screen image not showing when dish moving on PLI magic image

05-02-11, 10:57
hi can anyone tell me how to get this back working or is it a fault on the box or with the actual image / has anyone else had this problem ? thanks.

05-02-11, 11:08
The setting is in setup customize on the pli image, magic is the skin if it still does not work try a different skin.

I am running pli 2 image and with magic hd skin it works ok.


05-02-11, 11:18
thanks zeph.....i have tried several times in CUSTERMIZE to get it working ,but no good ...what other skin do you recommend friend.thanx

05-02-11, 11:37
hd skin and original skin tried but stiil no dish movement image...
also activated (show positioner movement ) in customize section.....any help please ...thanks

05-02-11, 11:39

Did it just stop recently or was it never working.
Are you using the PLi 2.0 and when did you do the last updates.
Its been ok for me since PLi 2.0.

05-02-11, 11:45
hi there........it was working until recently...nothing really changed by me , just updated my bouquets ...and noticed it was not working....cant think what is causing it unless my box needs update software maybe???
PS thanx for your interest.......

05-02-11, 11:46
also .can you point me to the correct updates for the box as ive tried to update from plugin but no chance..........no updates on the plugin !! thanx

05-02-11, 11:54
Rupert the updates are online from the setup menu. If it says 0 updates downloaded then you are upto date.
I havent updated my PLI in 4-5 days and have the motor image.
Maybe there was an update that caused an issue.

05-02-11, 12:01
yess mate .....i try to download from (plugin update) but never get anything so im hoping its up to date? i had the boxin november and it has not had any box firmware updates.also i was thinking the same as you really ,perhaps some lugin update or whatever has screwed my dish mover image on screen.....its really anoying tho '...cant think of what else i can do really!
dont fancy doing a reset to facory!!!!
80cm dish
PLI 2 image with MAGIC skin
dlink router
vermin.................................any other suggestion will be very grateful........you are all very helpful and i do appreciate all you help and patience.thanx

05-02-11, 12:12
Do you have pli 2 because I think its the only one getting updates now.

05-02-11, 12:15
on my INFO it shows ;

ENIGMA ;OPENPLI 2010-12-23-oldloopthough
IMAGE; OPENPLI-2010-05-21

Is this 2 or not?.if not , where can i download 2.....thanx

05-02-11, 12:16
Just ran an update and it worked ok.

Just google pli and you will find the site.


05-02-11, 12:20
ENIGMA :openpli 2010-12-23-oldloopthrough
IMAGE: openPli - 2010-05-21

this is what shoes on my info screen

05-02-11, 12:21
Thanx zeph...............ill try an image update form the site.......!!!!

05-02-11, 12:24
just backup your old image first in case you have problems.

IMAGE: openPli - 2010-05-21 is pli 1.

05-02-11, 12:26
yes mate have done that........ill post and let you know if it works after update....GOD HELP US!!!
thanks to all who posted and helped on this..........KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK,thanks.

05-02-11, 13:40
Hi, Is there an option to display motor movement in VIX 1.3?

Thanks, Richard

05-02-11, 14:09
No it will be in the the next VIX image release

05-02-11, 16:09
Thanks for that,

I'll keep an eye out for it.
