View Full Version : [VU+ Zero] Very bad network performance

17-03-19, 11:18
I updated my VU+ zero to the latest release yesterday and am now experiencing very bad internet and network performance. It makes little difference whether I use a wired or wireless connection. I never get more than 20 Mbits/s downstream via NetSpeed. Previously, I was able to reach approx. 80 MBit/s when using the wired connection. I know that the NIC is only a 100 MBit one, so that's more or less OK or to be expected but less than 20 MBit/s is abysmal and is causing me issues with IPTV.

Other devices in my network don't have these issues, they all reach internet speeds in excess of 180 MBit/s, even wireless.

On the box I installed the NetSpeed plugin for this but I also have a command-line tool that basically does the same and reports the same results. I use the same NetSpeed server to verify these result on my different devices. I've rebooted everything including router/modem, of course. No difference.

Where there any changes made to the network stack recently?

17-03-19, 11:30
Which release were you using before you updated?

abu baniaz
17-03-19, 11:34
Which softcam are you using?

17-03-19, 11:38
Thanks for your feedback!

I believe I ran 5.2.030 before the update but I'm not too sure. Is there any way to find out?
I am running oscam-latest. Should I try with disabled OScam?

I stopped OScam and re-rean the test but performance remains the same - 15 MBit/s down and 11 MBit/s up (wired). Upstream is OK, that's all I have.

abu baniaz
17-03-19, 11:40
Sorry, my question should have been: Are you using mgcamd. You are not, so not a factor.

17-03-19, 11:50
I believe I ran 5.2.030 before the update but I'm not too sure. Is there any way to find out?If you took an image backup before updating you'd be able see the image version from within image manager.
Same would apply to backup manager.

17-03-19, 11:53
Ok, I just flashed an older image backup I had and I still get the same bad network performance... so apparently there is no relation to OpenViX and this issue?!
This puzzles me. I don't know what to do. I've already tried a different port on my router and the WiFi adapter.
I hope I'm not getting into conspiracy territory here but the modem/router is supplied and managed by my ISP. I'm getting a hunch it's throttling my VU+ zero...

Is there a supported way to change its hostname and MAC address to make it appear as a new device?

17-03-19, 12:07
settings - network - MAC

17-03-19, 12:07
I think in mounts you can rename your zero to another name say xbox or pc and if you had another box scanned network it would see the new name.
Mac address is locked as far as i know,try the name change and maybe box and router needed a power off / on

My et went very slow and ran speedtest wow very slow and only thing that fixed it was powering off router for a few minutes then on and normal speed resumed.

17-03-19, 12:15
Thanks for your feedback!

I changed the MAC via GUI and configured my system to use DHCP instead of static IP.
I also changed the hostname manually via /etc/hostname. It reflected the change in "mounts" in the GUI.
I then rebooted the device and verified that my router sees it as new device with new hostname, new MAC address and also assigned it a new IP address.
Unfortunately, it made no difference whatsoever.

I'm now going to try using the same network cable on my laptop and running the netspeed tests.

So I used the very same network cable, just put it into my laptop and am getting 198 Mbit/s on the same server. I have no idea what to do now.

17-03-19, 12:20
see above : settings - network - MAC

17-03-19, 12:29
Yes, I already did that. I changed the mac, the hostname and configuration from static to dhcp. my router created a new device with the new mac and hostname and gave it a new ip. No difference. Puzzling.

17-03-19, 13:09
Did you power off router for a few mins?

17-03-19, 13:37
No, I did a full reboot of my router which takes a few minutes. I won't get a new public IP address no matter what I do since I have a DS-Lite connection.

Just tested my FireStick which has a pretty crappy WiFi connection since it's a couple of rooms over and it has no IPTV issues. Funny.

17-03-19, 14:12
I believe I ran 5.2.030 before the update but I'm not too sure. Is there any way to find out?
If you have debug logs running you can look in one from before the update and search for lines like this:

< 27.614> [Image Type] developer
< 27.615> [Image Version] 5.2
< 27.615> [Image Build] 031
< 27.615> [Image DevBuild] 005

17-03-19, 14:19
I don't know anything about Netspeed, does it measure the total bandwidth used, or just between two points (eg between your pc and the Vu).

If it's the latter, maybe someone else is using your box?

Menu/information/streamlining clients or something similar will tell you.

17-03-19, 14:20
Hhm, I don't have them enabled but since I have the same issue if I downgrade to 026 with an image backup I'm thinking I can probably rule that out.

17-03-19, 14:24
Hhm, I don't have them enabled but since I have the same issue if I downgrade to 026 with an image backup I'm thinking I can probably rule that out.
It won't make any difference which image you're using if your router ports are open, but if they're not it's irrelevant anyway.

17-03-19, 14:30
No, I have no port forwarding to my box enabled. I'm not crazy, haha.
NetSpeed is a DSL speedtest -> the script/ plugin version of www.speedtest.net