View Full Version : VU+Duo2 will not boot or flash.

20-02-19, 14:53
Help, my Vu+duo2 has stopped working. I got an error message, Auto Timer, (Errno 28) No space left on device. I started to delete my auto timers but having deleted a few the box crashed and now will not start and will not flash.
On turning on the box shows Vu+ CFE V2 then the “Double Your Expectations”, the TV shows Vu+ “Your Smart Linux TV Player” for a few seconds then “OpenVix please wait”, after about 15 seconds the TV screen blanks for a few seconds then the spinning VIX sign, after 20 seconds or so the VIX stops spinning and then the box shuts down.
I have tried unplugging the internal drive and removing the USB’s. I have tried flashing with my usual USB and others, re formatted, re loaded the image but it never gives me the upgrade message.


20-02-19, 15:01
there must be no other USB devices connected. The flash drive must be FAT32 formated and the file structure must be as expected. It works best with older flash drives <= 4GB.

You can also try to connect with telnet and then remove something and perhaps make an update.

If your DUO2 is out of flash memory I think there might be a recording in flash because the flash is normally big enough.


20-02-19, 20:01
Hi Ralf,
Thanks for the reply.
I have a couple of old USB's that I use to flash images, they always work ok, tried both, re formatted, put image on again, still no luck. I can’t connect with telnet as the box will not stay on for long enough, I can just make a connection then the box turns off!
Dont know what else to try.

abu baniaz
21-02-19, 00:19
If you are in an enigma restart loop, you can still connect to it by telnet. You can stop it with an "init 4" command. You can then make any changes using FTP.

There won't be a recording in flash, maybe skin, EPG or downloaded stuff using a plugin.

21-02-19, 10:31
I haven’t used telnet much and am not sure where to look. I have managed to connect to the box and stop enigma running using putty. I have not installed any skins, could it be EPG downloaded with EPG-Importer plugin. I use e2m3u2bouquet for IPTV.

21-02-19, 10:52
If you boot and then connect with putty, enter init 4 and then enigma2.
You will get the boot up log and if you look carefully you may/should see the failure in the log

21-02-19, 11:43
you can also activate a log in putty so that you have a file which can be posted here.


21-02-19, 12:22
Thanks, the log is showing (Errno 28) No space left on device but I don't know what to do about it.

> < 5515.743> f = open("/etc/default/ntpdate", "w")
> < 5515.743> IOError: [Errno 28] No space left on device: '/etc/default/ntpdat e'
> < 5515.746> [eDVBDB] ---- saving lame channel db
> < 5515.746> [eDVBDB] couldn't save lame channel db!
-sh: 5515.746: No such file or directory
root@vuduo2:/etc/enigma2# < 5515.788> [eTextPara] FONT 'Regular' MISSING!
-sh: 5515.788: No such file or directory
root@vuduo2:/etc/enigma2# < 5515.788> [eTextPara] FONT 'Regular' MISSING!
-sh: 5515.788: No such file or directory
root@vuduo2:/etc/enigma2# < 5517.788> [gRC] main thread is non-idle! display sp inner!
-sh: 5517.788: No such file or directory
root@vuduo2:/etc/enigma2# < 5515.743> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 103, in NTPserverChanged
-sh: 5515.743: No such file or directory
root@vuduo2:/etc/enigma2# < 5515.743> f = open("/etc/default/ntpdate", "w")
-sh: syntax error near unexpected token `('
root@vuduo2:/etc/enigma2# < 5515.743> IOError: [Errno 28] No space left on device: '/etc/default/ntpdate'
-sh: 5515.743: No such file or directory
root@vuduo2:/etc/enigma2# < 5515.746> [eDVBDB] ---- saving lame channel db
-sh: 5515.746: No such file or directory
root@vuduo2:/etc/enigma2# < 5515.746> [eDVBDB] couldn't save lame channel db!
> < 5515.788> [eTextPara] FONT 'Regular' MISSING!
> < 5515.788> [eTextPara] FONT 'Regular' MISSING!
> < 5517.788> [gRC] main thread is non-idle! display spinner!

any ideas?

21-02-19, 12:28
Flash memory is full, easiest solution is to reflash without a settings restore, but I guess that's not an option.

We need to work out what's filling/filled it up.

The putty/telnet command du -x / will give a summary of file/directory sizes in flash.

Run the command as soon as the box hangs or shows the spinner.

21-02-19, 13:05
Hi, Thanks for your all your help. Somehow a movie file got saved in the wrong place, as soon as I deleted it the box re booted!
Many thanks

21-02-19, 13:07
Thanks for your all your help.
Somehow a movie file got saved in the wrong place, as soon as I deleted it the box re booted!

Many thanks

21-02-19, 16:14
then probably you must have saved the file in flash memory.This would mean a wrong setting in recording section. Maybe check there before a new recording.