View Full Version : [GiGaBlue QUAD] Cannot update Rytec Providers

19-02-19, 19:04
Hi Guys,

As the tile suggests, I cannot update Rytec Providers (noticed my EPG for non-standard channels was a bit light). When I try to update, I get an error saying "cannot connect to rytec sources". Currently on Vix 5.2.08

Any ideas?

19-02-19, 19:18
rytec not reachable for the moment.I am on latest image version

19-02-19, 20:03
Why not use epg importer instead of crossepg?
Epg importer works fine.

19-02-19, 20:13
how to use epg importer?

19-02-19, 20:49
CrossEPG far superior.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

20-02-19, 11:47
Thanks for all the replies.

Any possibility of the Rytec issues being resolved, or should I look at moving to epg importer?

abu baniaz
20-02-19, 13:47
If you use CrossEPG for OpenTV EPG and Rytec, there is always a corrupt EPG message and EPG is discarded.

IMO, if you are using Rytec EPG, better to use EPG Importer. You will get better support from Rytec team.

There was a server issue which was resolved. We'll have a look for any cleanup required. Might need to edit crossepg sources. We'll check later.

abu baniaz
22-02-19, 01:37
Issue should be fixed now.

22-02-19, 11:38
Yes, seems to be resolved now, thanks for all the help and assistance :thumbsup: