View Full Version : [ET10x00] Adding Vaders and Beast IPTV to Enigma

George Kildare
10-02-19, 17:55
Because of their relatively good reviews I have subscribed to Vaderstreams +BeastTV IPTV in the hope that it will be more stable than my current provider. However, I am having difficulty in installing it. Although there are several instructions for installation in Android boxes, the only instructions for Enigma that I can find states the following:

"1.) download and install this Plugin :
2.) TP the .m3u file you received to /tmp folder.
3.) Start the plugin.
4.) Scroll left or right to select the .m3u file.
5.) Select type as Gstreamer.
6.) Press Green button to convert.
7.) Red button / close.
8.) Go to your bouquets and scroll to the bottom of the list.
9.) Your converted .m3u / iptv bouquet will be there.
10.) If there is nothing listed inside the bouquet start the plugin again.
11.) Change type to livestreamer/hls and convert again."

I have downloaded To which folder should I FTP it? Do I need to initialise it?
I have also downloaded my .M3U file and ftpd it to the /tmp folder on my box.

I have also installed the suls E2m3u2bouquet and think that I have installed it OK, but I don't know whether it will work with Vaders and Beast.

If anybody has any advice about how to proceed I would be very grateful! Sorry for my ignorance.


Receiver: Xtrend ET10000

Image: Vix 5.2.025

Skin: Vix-Night-HD 1280x720

Plugins installed:

CrossEPG Downloader, EPG-Importer, IMDbsetip, Mediascanner, Multi-transcoding-Setup, OpenWebif, Picture player

10-02-19, 18:04
You should be able to use any M3U to bouquets converter. I use the Suls one that is mentioned in many posts.

10-02-19, 18:07
I am pretty sure that both will work with e2m3u2bouquet.
As long as you know the main url and the epg url (and obviously your userid and password) with a little bit of reading on the above plugins web site you can configure .... these providers just want you locked in with these stupid scripts that you install and often mess up E2.
... and of course if they are really friendly you can use stalker if your box supports it.

10-02-19, 18:12
B++++ is based on Xtream Codes panel - so use the full url for m3u and epg url for that sub, normally ends output=ts.

V++++ is not XC, again works via Suls IPTV Bouquet Maker. (maybe need get url from supplier for that)

Then install Heinz Plugin to invoke any catchup a sub has when on box.

Would maybe edit server names out of the post also, always best on forums tbh.

10-02-19, 18:17
SULS documentation, they have a generator which would install the plugin and one sub you add (i.e teh XC based one), then in plugin itself after add another.


George Kildare
10-02-19, 18:29
Very many thanks.
I've just tried to download the m3u file with the Suls plugin.

python e2m3u2bouquet.py -m "http://vaders.tv /get.php?username=xxxxx&password=yyyyy&type=m3u_plus&output=ts" -e "http://vaders.tv/xmltv.php?username=xxxx&password=yyyyy"

It seems to begin downloading ok, but I get the message

root@et10000:/etc/enigma2# E2m3u2Bouquet: ----Downloading m3u file----
-sh: E2m3u2Bouquet:: command not found
root@et10000:/etc/enigma2# E2m3u2Bouquet: Unable to download m3u file from url

Any idea what the problem could be?

10-02-19, 18:36
Very many thanks.
I've just tried to download the m3u file with the Suls plugin.

python e2m3u2bouquet.py -m "http://vaders.tv /get.php?username=xxxxx&password=yyyyy&type=m3u_plus&output=ts" -e "http://vaders.tv/xmltv.php?username=xxxx&password=yyyyy"

It seems to begin downloading ok, but I get the message

root@et10000:/etc/enigma2# E2m3u2Bouquet: ----Downloading m3u file----
-sh: E2m3u2Bouquet:: command not found
root@et10000:/etc/enigma2# E2m3u2Bouquet: Unable to download m3u file from url

Any idea what the problem could be?

Have you setup the config file correctly??

10-02-19, 18:43
The M3U for V is wrong, they don't use Xtream Codes format of m3u.


or if want TS opposed HLS it is.

if post dont show full url, right click, copy link, add your details.

Epg is

Also use the IPK, opposed to telnet and py way.

Also bit of advice, iptv talk as in providers, best get correct info from whoever you buy from or there telegram group, as this forum not really based around that sort of stuff.

Admins - feel free to remove details above, once guy knows the correct format.

10-02-19, 18:44
Also if you actually look at the m3u you even entered, although wrong for that provider there is 2 or 3 mistakes within m3u anyways.

10-02-19, 22:03
Thread closed.

11-02-19, 09:54
Discussing IPTV theory is one thing but posting here about a specific provider and support for them is taking the flaunting the rules big time!