View Full Version : Move mode does not work

04-02-19, 00:00
I have just set up a new Duo 4K, and I have come across a few problems. I have made a list of favourites, but they are listed in a random order, and I would like to reorder them. I used to have a Dreambox, and I would use Move mode to do it, but when I enable Move mode, the OK key does not select a channel to move, but switches to the channel instead. I have tried a lot of keys, and I have tried to double press, and long press, but there is no initiation of a move.

I know that Move mode is selected, because it says Move mode at the top, and the colours have changed.

What could be wrong?

04-02-19, 00:28
Working here

Goto channel section

Press menu then choose move mode

High-lite the channel you want to move and press ok

Move to where you want then press ok again

04-02-19, 06:59
High-lite the channel you want to move and press ok
Thanks for the detailed description. This is how it worked on my Dreambox, but on my Duo, pressing "OK" when in Move mode does not high-lite the channel. Instead it switches to the channel, exactly as when I was not in Move mode.

Is there some other button than "OK" that I should use to high-lite?

04-02-19, 07:51
did you try to moven even when it switched to the channel? Try disabling the preview option. Press menu and configuration while in channel list.


04-02-19, 22:54
did you try to moven even when it switched to the channel? Try disabling the preview option. Press menu and configuration while in channel list.
Yes, I tried to move the channel even when the preview switched to that channel. I also tried to disable the preview option, but the result was the same.

Maybe I'll just edit the channel list with DreamboxEdit.

03-03-19, 18:17
I also cannot move a channel. (I'm using a newly home built version of OpenViX)

As a workaround I edit /etc/enigma2/userbouquet.favourites.tv and restart the GUI.

Is this a good way to edit favourites, or can I get into any problems (for example references in other files)?

PS. I edit with "nano", which I got by install nano_2.7.4-r0_cortexa15hf-neon-vfpv4.ipk (was created at build)

03-03-19, 18:20
OpenWebif is a another alternative.

03-03-19, 18:27
I was not able to do it in OpenWebif, didn't find away how to do it.

03-03-19, 19:46
…. BouquetEditor , bottom left hand corner.

04-03-19, 15:07
What do you mean? Pressing the menu item to the left in the screen to come into Bouquet Editor (or Favourite Editor or what it is called, I'm not on English right now in my box).

If so, I of course have done that. This is required to come to the page to edit Favourite list. The question is how to do then?

PS. The OpenWebifThis isn't important for me. However normal users would like to do it via the remote control - of course!

24-03-20, 18:33
when I enable Move mode, the OK key does not select a channel to move, but switches to the channel instead.
I know that Move mode is selected, because it says Move mode at the top, and the colours have changed.

What could be wrong?

I don't know if pulling up this old thread conforms to the forum etiquette...
I'm surprised this problem still exists. I met this first time well over 10 years ago with a Dreambox I had at that time. And yes, it's in Vix too. I haven't touched the the confs of my 2 Vu+ Duo2 boxes for years (one had OpenVix 4.1.x, the other 5.0.x) until this Sunday when I decided to broke the classic rule "if it ain't broken..."

I think years ago I accidentally found out that this problem was "activated" thru a certain setting in the menu. Years ago I also had less volatile memory and I didn't document the workaround anywhere, neither have ever reported it to anywhere.

After some trial and error I now was unable to find out which setting (it might also be a combination of several ones) activates the problem. My guess is it's a situation when setting some feature to [ on | off | a certain value ] in the menu captures with higher priority / blocks from the move function the recognition of the "ok" key feature. Also this time I didn't remember the whole issue until I had done a lot of fine tuning to the settings.

Since this isn't more widely known problem, it also might be possible that this were dependent on the language setting of the box. I use Finnish language setting, which isn't a mayor language. But I think this is an improbable change.

To trace this problem, could someone post here a screenshot of the menus affecting the functionality / appearance of the channel listing from an OpenVix (preferably close to version 5.3.019) configuration where the "reorder list" functionality works? I could then try if that same configuration makes the problem disappear / if I can identify what exactly makes it come back.

Meanwhile OpenWebIf seems to be a way to overcome this problem. Just worth noticing that a change done that way does not appear in the local user interface before restarting Enigma (or the whole box).

24-03-20, 19:21
Maybe I've missed something here. Move mode only works on your configured favourites channel list, it will not work on All, Satellites or Recently scanned lists.

abu baniaz
24-03-20, 19:32
They are system and dynamic bouquets. They are not designed to modified.

25-03-20, 17:32
Move mode only works on your configured favourites channel list, it will not work on All, Satellites or Recently scanned lists.

My bad, maybe I didn't express this clearly enough. But it's the favourites (channel) list where I tried to use Move, which fails. So I still think there is a problem that depends on some settings in the menu...

Since I was able to do the actual trick using WebIf, I won't use that much time for this now. But if someone posts the menu settings from the system where move works, I could try to test it.

07-07-20, 14:56
An old post but I found a setting that worked for me.

I'm using OpenVix 5.3 (April 2020) on a H7 box and I had this problem as well.

Problem; when in the Favourites bouquet service listing (the one that lists vertically down the left hand side, and not the graphical EPG the sits across the whole screen), you select Menu -> Enable move mode, and it takes you back to the Favourites service listing. Activating the select button on the Favourite entry you want to move just opens that service and the service listing disappears. The Select key should highlight the entry instead so you can move it up or down with the remote control cursor keys.

Menu key (on remote while the EPG is off) -> User Interface -> Channel Selection -> Enable Multiple Bouquets -> Yes.

Setting the above option to Yes allowed me to highlight and then move a Service (channel) name that I'd added to the Favourites bouquet, without switching to the service when I hit Select.
Once you've finished moving all your service names in Favourites, remember to go back into the Menu option and disable 'Move mode'.

Hope this helps..