View Full Version : Vu+ Duo2 Faulty Internal Flash Memory?

30-01-19, 20:14
Any suggestions for this issue or is my Vu+ Duo 2 ****ed? 😱
It all started when I tried to do an online upgrade about 2 weeks ago...... Done it before loads of times and never had an issue but that time it wouldn't reboot so thought it was a dodgey image. So tried to reload my backup but woundnt reboot from that either so had to do a fresh flash. That works temporarily but if i have to reboot it sticks again on the vu+ logo screen on initial boot.

After this happened I'd do a fresh flash to get it working again but after 3 or 4 days I'd get up in a morning and it'd be stuck on the boot screen? I turned the power off at the rear as it would not respond to remote and the clock would also be frozen on whatever time it had gone wrong. But then after powering off and then trying to reboot it wouldn't get past the vu+ logo screen meaning openvix wouldn't load. It stays like this for a minute or so then goes off and repowers back up but then sticks on the vu+ logo screen again this continues to happen until its powered off and reflashed 😩
Ive reflashed it numerous times even going back 3 openvix builds incase it was that. Tried loading image backups but then it sticks on the logo again.

I've even reflashed then not installed any plugins, skins etc but it's still doing the same thing. It will reflash as nothing is wrong, I setup everything again, it works fine but then like tonight......I was just watching BBC the screen went black and the front display froze. The remote control would not do anything and I had to power down at the rear. But now it's going to mean a reflash to get everything working but I know it's just going to be frozen again in the morning! 😩🤯
Also noticed since all this started happening I can no longer do OTA updates like I've always done previously as when it downloads the update now then reboots, it again sticks on the vu+ logo screen. Meaning I have to do a USB flash again 🤯

I thought it could be the 1tb internal HDD so I initialised that which wiped it but then it wouldn't initialise but I could record and playback?

So I disconnected the HDD and reflashed again, setup up the basics with no plugins or skins etc again..... All working ok but tried to do a reboot to check if it was the HDD to blame.....yet again it sticks on the vu+ logo and keeps doing as before stated above!

Thinking I've got a problem with the flash memory just wondered if this is fixable? Can the flash memory be replaced? It's a genuine box and has worked faultlessly for over 3 years. My last option I was thinking could I reflash the latest bootloader (V2 is already on it) but now worried if I do this and it's the flash at fault will it brick my box?

Sorry for the long story but just wanted to add as much detail as possible as I love my Duo2 and don't really wanting to be forking out to replace it if it can be fixed as they're not cheap.

Currently box has been reflashed and is working as normal and I'm just keeping an eye on the flash memory info. Currently states total = 862.3M and free = 729.4M. I want to see if this reduces over the next few days (HDD still disconnected and I'll make sure no recordings are attempted)

Cheers all

31-01-19, 00:18
Hi mate
Have you tried using a different image like black hole to see how that performs also what about resetting
back to factory settings to see how that runs. I take it your downloading fresh images from our site and not
off some other source.

31-01-19, 07:20
Do you have any EPG importers setup, if so where are you storing the DATA?

31-01-19, 11:26
Thanks for reply. Not tried any other images, and I've always downloaded from here or done online updates via Vix. Been doing that everytime a new update is available and never had any issues every since getting the box 2-3 years ago, until now :(

Not tried doing a factory reset but a mate (Danny) sent me a original vu+ Duo2 image which I installed. Worked ok (like Vix does after fresh flash install via USB) I then tried to reboot my box to see if it was sorted, on doing this it stuck on the vu+ logo screen again :(

31-01-19, 11:31
Cheers for the reply. It's not setup up any longer as I want to see how it performs but previously it was always set to my external USB stick in the back of the box, like I used to do with my older vu+ duo. Just checked now and it's set to flash as the internal hard drive isn't connected but it's set so does not auto download.

31-01-19, 11:34
So I was chatting with Steve, as he originally messaged me regarding his Duo2, so far from what I have seen.

1. on one image his Flash memory said Line - Free was 8000 bytes.
2. his internal hdd would not initialise at all, suspected bad blocks (suggested he remove when testing)
3. Sent him a vuplus genuine stock image, flashed fine, nothing set up, reboot, stuck on boot.
4. Tried latest OpenVix, if reboots same thing, if no reboot he can last a day or so, then gets a crash and wont reboot.
5. But its a weird and hard to pinpoint, if flashes fine, nothing setup, then gets stuck on reboot.

I have also suggested maybe trying new power supply cable, clutching at straws on that one lol.

We also run

cat /proc/meminfo and then df -h via telnet.

Which didn't show no obvious signs or errors when on a fresh flash.

31-01-19, 11:37
He is still running and has been since yesturday on latest vix (no restarting) and is gonna keep eye on any leaks/flash and when it has a hissy fit, see if can see what/where it was doing at the time etc.

31-01-19, 12:00
Cheers bud :thumbsup:

31-01-19, 12:07



31-01-19, 12:55
Do you have any ports forwarded to the duo2?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

31-01-19, 13:22
Not sure? From my router? I've never set any or used or setup anything like that before?

Why do you ask?

Is there a way I can check and see?

31-01-19, 13:59
If you are forwarding ports from your router to your VU+, anyone can access your box, and this may be the cause of your crashes.

Menu > Information > Streaming clients will tell you if your box is currently being compromised.

31-01-19, 20:20

I've always had a password set as well.


31-01-19, 20:28
A password won't stop them, if you are port forwarding then the check above only applies at the time you do it.

Someone may crash the box to cover their tracks, or just for the hell of it.

Removing your box from the network might be a good test.

If you're not port forwarding, then forget what I've just posted.

31-01-19, 20:38
I've never set up any port forwarding before. Just logged into my router as admin and nothing is set up. So can't see that being the issue. If some one had accessed my box what could they do? Could they prevent it from rebooting and cause the issues I've got? Still got a feeling it's got something to do with the flash. It's been running fine now for 2 day's. But dare not reboot because I know it'll stick on the logo. Flash still seems ok as well?


31-01-19, 20:58
When the box crashes/hangs can you connect to it using telnet and issue the command dmesg

01-02-19, 08:34
Never tried that. Next time it does it or I have to reboot and it sticks on the vu+ logo I'll try.


18-03-19, 12:47
Update.....After my last message I just left it my Duo2 and it worked fine but I couldn't reboot without it sticking on boot screen therefore no updates etc. It worked for over 2 weeks. Then it came up with an error. So I tried to install purE2 image. When running that I could reboot and I also tried updating via the online update via the duo and it worked fine? I couldn't get round the interface on the purE2 though and loads of it was in German even though English was selected. So I've updated to the latest version of Vix again (yesterday) Can't understand what's happening as it doesn't make sense?

18-03-19, 12:54
I was going to wait for the latest online update to appear and see if I could do it. But curiosity got the better of me so I've just rebooted my box....... And it's rebooted fine and not got stuck on logo screen. Literally all I've done to sort it was install PureE2 image do an online update to see if it worked, it did and rebooted fine. So then did a USB install of the latest VIX image and now it appears to be working fine again, or at least it will now reboot without sticking on the logo screen. Really confused but happy it appears to be ok again......Only time will tell