View Full Version : Humax 4k Upgrade

25-01-19, 20:06
Evening All,

Looking to finally upgrade from my current & still reliable VU+Solo 2 for a new 4k receiver from Humax looking simple to change as I feel its time for a good and positive upgrade and also because I have just purchased a new 65” Oled TV and I hope to improve my viewing enjoyment with an upgrade in receiver technology from Humax.

What I hope to gain is,

1. Faster Processor (might help with channel switching speed and overall running performance of the receiver with the newer and improved flash memory) and the internal new tech.
2. Picture improvements – if this is possible as the VU+Solo2 is still a good performer.
3. Watch when possible free UHD channels on 19E /28E

From the 4k receivers that I have seen on the sponsor’s web page I would like to stay with Humax just because of user experience and have narrowed it down to the following two models that are listed below but would like to ask the knowledgeable forum members who have used either receivers for some feedback as to which model to opt for, both models are well specified its just user experience from forum members that should help me decide.
I don’t have or use many plugs so no big requirement.

I will be using to start with standard quad lnb that I already have which is 2 x quad LNBs (I think this is the correct description with 2 x DiSEqC Switch of which two cables feed my current VU+Solo2 in the living room and two cables feed my second VU+Solo2 in the bedroom both from 19E and 28E.
With with the new receiver options listed below will one pre-installed Twin Satellite DVB-S/S2/S2X FBC be enough to allow me to say watch a programme on 19E and record another programme on 28E on the new 4k receiver

1. VU+ Duo 4K
2. VU+ Uno 4K SE

Hope I have posted this in the correct thread.

Kind Regards

26-01-19, 07:58
Hi John,

The FBC tuners in the VU+ receivers you've mentioned can be used as Twin tuner modules similar the Solo2 when using a standard universal LNB.

If you only need a twin tuner to replace the Solo2 the VU+ Uno4K SE would be sufficient, if you feel you may need more tuners then we'd suggest the VU+ Duo4K.

Do you have two fixed LNB's or two dishes? If so you may want to consider the VU+ Duo4K with 2x FBC Satellite Tuner modules. Then also replace your LNB's for Unicable LNB's. You'll then only need one cable to feed each tuner module and you'll benefit from the full use of 8 tuners per FBC tuner module. You could use one tuner module per dish.

Unicable LNB's HERE (https://www.world-of-satellite.co.uk/gt-sat).

26-01-19, 13:17
Many thanks for your input and tips reference my receiver/lnb options that I currently have.

I have a fixed 80cm dish with two fixed quad LNBs and they are connected as above in my first message. The option to record a few more channels is of course appealing but I really can’t remember ever wanting to record more then one programme at a time.

Would I be correct in saying that the VU+Uno 4K SE is already a well established and “reliable” receiver in terms of any bug fixes it might have had along with all the necessary driver updates.
Is the VU+Duo 4K up-to-date with all of its drivers as it is still a so called “newer receiver” as I am not so proficient in driver update procedures?
Can both receivers be “couch “updated when using the Vix software as I read a few years back that this was not possible with 4k receivers due to the Arm processor and I find it just so convenient using the couch method.

Kind Regards

abu baniaz
26-01-19, 14:39
Arm receivers can be flashed using image manager now.

26-01-19, 14:50
As above, yes can be couch flashed.

26-01-19, 18:25
Abu, many thanks for your feedback, this is good news reference couch flash updates for all Arm receivers. Thanks, John.