View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] Same recording exists - warning

20-01-19, 20:55

I'd like to know if exists a setting, feature or plugin which alerts you there is already same (or similar) recording which you are adding to record.

I have long list of recordings and don't remember if I haven't already recorded the movie so it would be useful for me.

21-01-19, 00:18
Not that i can think of as i sometimes record same program on a different sat and found out i recorded it 3 years previous.

21-01-19, 23:11
I'm not sure but I saw this feature before in some image, maybe VTi? It would be fine to implement it also in OpenViX.

abu baniaz
21-01-19, 23:18
Post a link to the commit and we can copy it