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View Full Version : Open the floodgates for Premiership Football 3pm kick offs

03-02-11, 13:12

Great so we can now purchase cards from anywhere in the EU to watch premiership football legally.

03-02-11, 18:35
Not quite yet, thats the recommendation of the EU state lawyer it needs to be approved by the judges.

03-02-11, 20:55
The judges rarely go against the EU state lawyer.

I will just be happy that SKY will have to stop insisting foreign channels remove the english football commentary! (cross european trade interference etc)

03-02-11, 21:11
if you read it again you will see the football assosiation will appeal this so dont count your chickens yet they have to change laws for this to work and yes they never go against an advocate but sly will appeal to

03-02-11, 21:22
if the ruling does eventually go against sky, they will pull the multi million pound settlements they pay for the rights. meaning less cash for the clubs, meaning smaller budgets for players. so dont go celebrating just yet.

03-02-11, 22:46
Phoenix what has those multi pound deals done.
Enticed new club owners who bring nothing only debt to clubs.
So players can get 1/4 million a week to go mad.
When a 20 year old with 1 cap (friendly match) is valued at £35m as the 8th most expensive player of all time in the world during a world wide recession there is is something wrong.
And even at that the Premiership is at its worst this year.
Dont forget what happened the italian league, loads of money flying everywhere and then it went bust.
The high price sky paid for football suits them as it keeps the competition away and they can just raise the prices.
Hopefully it leads to some balance.

03-02-11, 23:01
Phoenix what has those multi pound deals done.
Enticed new club owners who bring nothing only debt to clubs.
So players can get 1/4 million a week to go mad.
When a 20 year old with 1 cap (friendly match) is valued at £35m as the 8th most expensive player of all time in the world during a world wide recession there is is something wrong.
And even at that the Premiership is at its worst this year.
Dont forget what happened the italian league, loads of money flying everywhere and then it went bust.
The high price sky paid for football suits them as it keeps the competition away and they can just raise the prices.
Hopefully it leads to some balance.

personally i could care less about football. i cant stand the sport and never could. i prefer rugby but you can not escape the fact that football revolves around money and they have had it so good for so long i very much doubt modern football could go back to the old ways in this country. i my self would like nothing more than to see the premiership sink into it's own filth if i'm being honest.

03-02-11, 23:46
I agree.... Munster Fan here....
But its that bloody football that drives up our subs.

04-02-11, 09:37
I think if this law is enforced, it would be great

it will drive the money bag clubs, back to a leval playing field
if the ozzie pulls the plug, ( wont happen ) it would be even better, as footy will be forced to get back to being football clubs
and hopefully, although there will be strife to start with, the money bag brigade, ( owners and greedy players, along with there agents ) will have to get real, like the rest of us
and lastly, we would have the freedom, to buy what ever sat subs we want, rather than hobsons choice


04-02-11, 20:28
Don't discount Murdoch the **** too early. One of the consequences is the PL will sell the rights as pan European and only a VERY limited broadcasters will be able to buy them, I hope this does not happen but who knows.

05-02-11, 17:13
if the ruling does eventually go against sky, they will pull the multi million pound settlements they pay for the rights. meaning less cash for the clubs, meaning smaller budgets for players. so dont go celebrating just yet.

Less million pounds of transfer fees I think thats a good thing.

15-02-11, 15:32
Well I think decisions at the ECJ are binding and must be interpreted as such by domestic courts, As for appeals at this level I think like the ECHR it's a non starter but I could be wrong.

Of course the wider implecations of all this are that the most repressed censorial state in the West will loose it's strangle hold on the control over what people choose to watch in their own homes. It also means we will be able to get the full scope of choice instead of a halfwit channel like Sky Atlantic. We will be able to take advantage of the full HBO line up including Ondemand, HBO 1, HBO 2 and Comedy, plus it will be half the price you currently pay to view tv in RIP OFF Britain.

Bring It On..............