View Full Version : Will box work in Thailand

06-01-19, 19:55
Hi all, planning to retire to Thailand in the near future. would my trusty vu+ duo work at all out there or would i need a locally bought box or would iptv be a better option? Any suggestions would be appreciated, happy new year to everbody!

07-01-19, 06:59
I would personally retire the Vu+ Duo as well. IPTV is popular in Thailand from my understanding.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-01-19, 07:14
Check with Customs in Thailand, from my understanding many devices like this are banned from importing to Thailand.

07-01-19, 18:29
I've wondered the same thing myself, in Thailand the main DTH platform is Truevision, they broadcast on Thaicom satellites at 78.5E
But I believe they are using NDS encryption now and it might not be open for CS, as Andy said iptv may be the answer, many expat bars over there use iptv.

07-01-19, 22:20
Check with Customs in Thailand, from my understanding many devices like this are banned from importing to Thailand.

yeh, never thought of that, probably the least of my worries!, will sort something when i,m settled i reckon, see if i can flog my box on here later

07-01-19, 22:22
Ok, will speak to expats, probably try and flog me box before i go, thanks for advice