View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] Spinning Vix icon with a please wait on boot stuck

04-01-19, 22:10
Hello., I flashed the image recently configured it all so it was setup. Then today changed the skin to something it needed a reboot to activate the skin now when booting up, I@ vant ghet passed the please wait screen and the spinning vix logo. ( I cant remember which skin it was openvix FHD something or other).

I can ftp to the box is there a wayI can revert the skin without having to reflash?
Ta sivhead

abu baniaz
04-01-19, 22:13
Issue the "init 4" command using Putty or similar.
Using FTP, navigate to /etc/enigma2, the file called "settings" will specify the skin, delete the line. Transfer back.

Then issue "init 3" command using putty

04-01-19, 22:21
I will try that 1st thing in the morning. thanks

05-01-19, 10:56
I putty to the box
init 4
back to putty init4
copied the settings file out to dfesktop
edited with notepad++
deleted the line config.skin.primary_skin=MetrixFHD/skin.xml
Copied the file back
back to putty init 3

same thing. I noticed the epg cachepath was pointing to hdd so I changd this to config.misc.epgcachepath=/media/cf/
reboot still wont boot so I willl reflash

I'll try to recreate the spinning logo on boot again. I will reboot after every change,