View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] Kiddac skin EPG Crash

02-01-19, 20:27
Unable to invoke the EPG either from selecting EPG remote button or scrolling right on the infobar. Always results in a crash.

I can however access the EPG from OpenWebif.

I followed this set of instructions http://www.openvix.co.uk/openvix-builds/Guides%20and%20Tutorials/How%20to%20setup%20CrossEPG%20for%20Sky%20uk%20on% 20ViX%203.0.pdf allowing for subtle variations as menus have changed through version.

I will admit to running Slyk skin but have just switch to Simply Ten Eighty and got the same issues.

However what I see on the screen as a crash message does not seem to appear in the log. I have snapped the lastest crash and added the log.

I'm sure it's a 'user error' but I can' work it out. I do have a USB stick mounted for the EPG.DAT

abu baniaz
02-01-19, 21:02
Did you restore the original EPG file when trying with simple 1080?

Did you use the latest modified file by Dsayers when using slyk skin?

02-01-19, 21:40
That doesn't seem to be running the standard EpgSelection,py code as, in that, line 515 is within refreshlist(), not onCreate().

02-01-19, 22:27
If you are using slyk1080 skin from Kiddac then have you amended the following xml file:


You need to uncomment the following line:

<!-- <include filename="/usr/share/enigma2/slyk-1080/vix.xml" /> -->

You need to provide more details of when this started happening as it looks like you have some plugins installed which aren't normally included in image so anything could have changed in image from default.

abu baniaz
03-01-19, 00:03
Best you source the most recent file that they are using. The py is shipped with the skin, so it will always recreate itself.

If that does not work, flash and restore.

03-01-19, 00:05
I have re-downloaded new EPG data on Simple 1080 but exactly the same problem.

The package I originally installed for Slyk was enigma2-plugin-skins-slyk1080r19_2.04_20181117_all.ipk (along with enigma2-plugin-extensions-openvix-epgselection-mod_2.0_all.ipk & enigma2-plugin-extensions-openvix-movieplanner-mod_2.0_all.ipk)

abu baniaz
03-01-19, 00:17
Not EPG data.


03-01-19, 00:20
There was an epgselection.py for vix posted 5 hours ago in post #15 of the thread KiddaC Skins - Mods on another site

abu baniaz
03-01-19, 00:28
There was an epgselection.py for vix posted 5 hours ago in post #15 of the thread KiddaC Skins - Mods on another site
Maybe it could be hosted on another site and so there is only one place to download it from and can be updated as and when required?

03-01-19, 00:39
KiddaC has his own skin section on the other forum and posts all his updates there. He also has a dropbox repository which is open to the public.
I don't think any of his stuff has been included in any feeds.
I know the epgselection.py was updated because it was causing crashes on ViX.

03-01-19, 01:09
Try the attached here https://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?42788-Some-ideas-to-improve-the-Graphical-EPG-screen&p=478389&viewfull=1#post478389

03-01-19, 01:44
I think that did the trick. I'll try a few other EPG invocations tomorrow but so far it's behaving as I hoped.