View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] cannot read ca certs for https access. access disabled openvix

29-12-18, 14:42
Hi, i am not one to post for help as i usually read through the forums first and find my answer. I am afraid i have drawn a blank on this one though.

I use the VU+ player app on my android phone and it has been great up until last week. I noticed it is not connecting (i use it if i am out and forget to set epg) i usually connect through a dns server which updates the ip address etc. I noticed when i boot my Duo2 up it says "cannot read ca certs for https access". "Access disabled".
I have tried to enable https through openwebif in plugins but it will not save my settings. I have not changed anything other than updating the openvix when it said there was a new version.

I am stuck as to what i should do next. As i said i usually find an answer in the forums but to no avail.

Thanks in advance

29-12-18, 14:56
So did you update the Duo? If so how?
Also if you go to plugins/openWebif - what are the settings for https & https authentication??

29-12-18, 15:04
I did the update through the box.
I only update from USB stick if it says so on forum.
Should i do i fresh install from stick?

29-12-18, 15:05
See my updated post ref webif

29-12-18, 15:10
Thanks i will check it out

29-12-18, 15:20
Is it possible to post a link to your updated webif thread i have searched but cannot see ????

29-12-18, 15:27
..... It's post #2 in this thread.

29-12-18, 15:32
Sorry cannot see the wood for the trees!

29-12-18, 15:40

These are my settings. When i try to "enable https" and save it will not save.

I know this as when i go back into When i go back into openwebif it is disabled. This never happened before.

29-12-18, 16:03
Doesn‘t happen to me - everything saved.
You could backup your settings (ViX plugin -> settings backup) and then use ImageManager to flash online a new image.

29-12-18, 16:07
Thanks, already tried it. Same thing happens. Also removed openwebif extension then re installed it. Still the same.

I will try and get my head around it.

I think the problem is when it says on boot up cannot read ca certs for https access. Access disabled

29-12-18, 16:09
Which skin are you using, I can't see the green to save button on the picture you posted?

29-12-18, 16:13
youvix blue

29-12-18, 16:15
… is there a green to save button?

29-12-18, 16:17
Yes, when i try and change the https that is the first thing i do green to save.

29-12-18, 16:26
Ok so i removed the plugin openwebif. Restarted, installed plugin openwebif. Tried to enable https it stalled then crashed and said restart please send log etc. Then rebooted and came up with this again on screen.57975

29-12-18, 16:28
I would reflash........

29-12-18, 16:30
I will have another re flash here is the crash log.

29-12-18, 16:48
Reflashed. I went into openwebif it let me enable https i saved witht the green button.

Went back in as soon as i enabled "authentication for streaming" and tried to save again and exit it went back to "https enabled no"

Its a puzzling one this.

29-12-18, 16:58
When I Enable https, Enable https authentication appears, set to yes.

(No mention of streaming.)

29-12-18, 17:05
Reflashed. I went into openwebif it let me enable https i saved witht the green button.

Went back in as soon as i enabled "authentication for streaming" and tried to save again and exit it went back to "https enabled no"

Its a puzzling one this.
Guess you could go into settings /etc/enigma2/settings and if you can find the correct constant, you should could manually set it. (You would have to stop the receiver (putty -> login -> init 4) and then copy to the PC, update with notepad+ (Linux editor) copy back and then in putty restart (init 6)

29-12-18, 17:33
Thanks guys I will give it a go manually.