View Full Version : Satelite Tuner

18-12-18, 01:07
I have a problem with one of my tuners , when I configure it the box will not work , I get "failed to scan on Tuner D " i have to set it to not configured
and the box will scan ok;
Is it most likely the tuner is broken

18-12-18, 01:49
Was the box fitted with all tuners when you got it or you added some, i think i read the manual for some et boxes to have tuners fitted in a particular way and showed the wrong way?
Might be a help if you can say what tuners are for
A =?
B =?
C =?
D =?

18-12-18, 09:21
Cactikid is correct, if you have a mix of dvb-S2 C/T tuners, then they need a specific slot order (which I have also forgotten - long time since I had my ET8500‘s)

19-12-18, 00:04
I have them in correctly A is for terrestrial B C D satelite its just D that will not work

19-12-18, 00:24
Try swapping B and D to see if problem moves also.+ maybe a reseating issue of tuner?

Oops swap sat cable over first to see if its that and have box powered off first.

Lnb issue same cable will be have the issue.

31-12-18, 17:01
I checked and the connection to the tuner was a bit loose ,working now