View Full Version : [ABM-MISC] Favourite List

30-11-18, 09:09
Hi All,

I’ve been using the ‘Favourite List’ method for some time now and I used a csv file to create it that I think abu baniaz posted but the file I am using I believe is now out of date as some channels have moved and others added.

Would anyone have the latest file I could use?

Thanks - Jason

abu baniaz
01-12-18, 08:30
If you are using favourites.xml file, amend it with changes you need.

Can you upload the files you are using at the moment?

01-12-18, 10:25
If you are using favourites.xml file, amend it with changes you need.

Can you upload the files you are using at the moment?

Yes I am using the favourites.xml file solution and I have upload my version of the working file of which I do use the 'XML tool' tab to make any adjustments but was wondering if there are any newer versions of the channels listed on the 'sat_282_sky_uk' tab

abu baniaz
01-12-18, 19:57
The numbers are different based on region and whether you use SD or HD numbering.

To update your file, copy the details from the csv file and paste into the tab of the excel file. Paste on C1. Columns A and B are formulas so don't paste on those.

Sorry, my dish is not connected so cannot do it for you. If you get stuck, upload the csv file too.

02-12-18, 09:45
The numbers are different based on region and whether you use SD or HD numbering.

yep got that.

To update your file, copy the details from the csv file and paste into the tab of the excel file.

Which csv file are you referring to?

Sorry, my dish is not connected so cannot do it for you.

No problem at all, happy to update my own file as I am all ok with the formulas and workings of the file, just needed the latest list as you mention from columns C-N


abu baniaz
02-12-18, 10:09
Which csv file are you referring to?

Use one of the mix files in link below, it will generate the csv file for you. I recommend you do not use a custom region


02-12-18, 20:07
Use one of the mix files in link below, it will generate the csv file for you. I recommend you do not use a custom region

Perfect thank you just what I needed :) thanks for pointing me in the right direction

08-12-18, 21:09
I am hoping to use ABM to do something similar to above, but combining multiple sources e.g. Freesat, DTT and channels from 19E and 13E. Is the method outlined above the way to go, or would CustomMix be better?

Also, I would like that my Favourites would start with Channel 1 - BBC1 HD, Channel 2 - BBC 2 HD etc instead of 101, 102 etc. . If using the favourites.xml approach, could this be achieved by changing the 'target =' values?

<insert provider="sat_282_sky_uk" source="115" target="001"/><!-- BBC One HD -->
<insert provider="sat_282_sky_uk" source="802" target="002"/><!-- BBC Two HD -->

Thanks in advance!

08-12-18, 21:15
I am hoping to use ABM to do something similar to above, but combining multiple sources e.g. Freesat, DTT and channels from 19E and 13E. Is the method outlined above the way to go, or would CustomMix be better?

No idea to be honest as I only use 1 feed source.

Also, I would like that my Favourites would start with Channel 1 - BBC1 HD, Channel 2 - BBC 2 HD etc instead of 101, 102 etc. . If using the favourites.xml approach, could this be achieved by changing the 'target =' values?

<insert provider="sat_282_sky_uk" source="115" target="001"/><!-- BBC One HD -->
<insert provider="sat_282_sky_uk" source="802" target="002"/><!-- BBC Two HD -->

I think that can be done, try it and see, I also Hide all the other bouquets so that only my Favourite List and bouquets are present

abu baniaz
09-12-18, 18:26
You can put any channels from any ABM provider in any order you want.

Most providers allow you to run them without creating the bouquets by deselecting the create x bouquets options. You won't have to delete bouquets then.

More details in this thread

14-12-18, 19:58
Thanks for reply. I have it sort of working now. This is part of my favourites.xml file:

<section number="1">Entertainment</section>
<insert provider="terrestrial_ie_saorview_PSB1" source="1" target="1"></insert> <!-- rte1 hd -->
<insert provider="terrestrial_ie_saorview_PSB1" source="2" target="2"></insert> <!-- rte2 hd -->
<insert provider="terrestrial_ie_saorview_PSB1" source="3" target="3"></insert> <!-- tv3 -->
<insert provider="terrestrial_ie_saorview_PSB1" source="4" target="4"></insert> <!-- tg4 -->
<insert provider="terrestrial_ie_saorview_PSB1" source="21" target="5"></insert> <!-- rtenewsnow -->
<insert provider="sat_282_freesat" source="106" target="6"></insert> <!-- bbc1 hd -->
<insert provider="sat_282_freesat" source="102" target="7"></insert> <!-- bbc2 hd -->
<insert provider="sat_282_freesat" source="107" target="8"></insert> <!-- bbc4 hd -->
<insert provider="sat_282_sky_uk" source="138" target="9"></insert> <!-- channel 4hd-->
<insert provider="sat_282_freesat" source="122" target="10"></insert> <!-- e4 -->


<main>1</main> <!-- 0 or 1 -->
<sections>0</sections> <!-- 0 or 1 -->

I would like to remove all Section breaks, but if I attempt that by deleting the line '<section number="1">Entertainment</section>' , then the box crashes as it attempts to create the bouquet. The output from the crash log reads as:

< 2904.755> [ABM-BouquetsWriter] Writing terrestrial_ie_saorview_PSB1 bouquet...
< 2904.758> [ABM-BouquetsWriter] Done
< 2904.758> [ABM-Tools][customMix] No CustomMix file for sat_282_freesat.
< 2904.758> [ABM-BouquetsWriter] Writing sat_282_freesat bouquet...
< 2904.763> [ABM-BouquetsWriter] Done
< 2904.764> [ABM-Tools][customMix] No CustomMix file for sat_282_sky_uk.
< 2904.765> [ABM-BouquetsWriter] Writing sat_282_sky_uk bouquet...
< 2904.770> [ABM-BouquetsWriter] Done
< 2904.813> Traceback (most recent call last):
< 2904.813> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/AutoBouquetsMaker/scanner/main.py", line 517, in doBuildIndex
< 2904.813> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/AutoBouquetsMaker/scanner/manager.py", line 181, in save
< 2904.813> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/AutoBouquetsMaker/scanner/tools.py", line 401, in favourites
< 2904.813> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/AutoBouquetsMaker/scanner/bouquetswriter.py", line 554, in buildBouquets
< 2904.813> IndexError: list index out of range
< 2904.813> [ePyObject] (CallObject(<bound method AutoBouquetsMaker.doBuildIndex of <class 'Plugins.SystemPlugins.AutoBouquetsMaker.scanner.m ain.AutoBouquetsMaker'>>,()) failed)

I don't know what I'm doing wrong.:confused:

abu baniaz
15-12-18, 04:08
You are not explaining yourself properly. How can you delete all the section breaks in your favourite bouquets created by ABM when you only have one section?

Even if you had more than one section, it is illogical to add something and remove it as well. You might as well as not add it in the first place.

Or are you referring to the sections in the provider bouquets?

It would be better for you to attach your XML file as well as your debug log. Attach the example files from the custom folder too

15-12-18, 09:38
Whats the advantage of this over Drag and Drop in Dreambox Edit?

abu baniaz
15-12-18, 10:53
Whats the advantage of this over Drag and Drop in Dreambox Edit?
You don't have to keep dragging and dropping every time there is a change of transponder.

19-12-18, 22:14
You are not explaining yourself properly. How can you delete all the section breaks in your favourite bouquets created by ABM when you only have one section?

Even if you had more than one section, it is illogical to add something and remove it as well. You might as well as not add it in the first place.

Or are you referring to the sections in the provider bouquets?

It would be better for you to attach your XML file as well as your debug log. Attach the example files from the custom folder too

I guess I mean the section in the bouquet e.g. "Entertainment"? I don't want any section as such, just the list of channels in the Bouquet. I've attached the working file (which includes the Entertainment section) and the file which doesn't work (with Entertainment removed).

Thanks again.

abu baniaz
20-12-18, 02:03
The files are exactly the same

Please describe the problem again.
You have only one section, but the xml file has that to 0, so even if you had more than one section in favourite "provider", they wouldn't show anyway.
You have told it to create a main bouquet in favouriote "provider".

You have not attached your debug log. I did ask before. I m guessing you don't want the sections in the other providers. If this is the case, then please confirm. favourite.xml will not affect those. As I said before, disable the create the bouquets/sections for the individual providers. You can run an ABM provider without creating the bouquets for that provider and use the channels in ABM favourites.

Upload the debug log to avoid the guess work.

Also enable the "add provider prefix to bouquets" so that any misunderstandings will be easy for you to see

I suggest you change the top part of your file to the following so that there is less confusion

<section number="1">Apo 1 section only</section>

Try the following file, layout will be somewhat easier to see/use

21-12-18, 12:56
Thanks again for taking the trouble to reply!

I've attached the files as a zip archive. When I run a scan with your favourites.xml file, it creates a single folder/bouquet under Favourites called 'All Channels' - please see screenshot. In this folder, there is one section called 'Apo 1 section only' with the desired channels listed correctly - see second screenshot.

If I try to do something very similar, but simply with the 'Apo 1 section only' removed (see favourites_NO_SECTION.xml), the machine crashes and generates the attached error log.

Perhaps I need a minimum of 1 section for it to run properly?

abu baniaz
21-12-18, 18:14
There has to be at least one section otherwise it won't work. Even the providers must have at least one section.

Looking at your list, I am surprised you have not used sections anyway. You can jump between sections in a bouquet