View Full Version : openViX chose a different skin now box wont soft start

27-11-18, 23:18

setting up my new receiver and trying different skins and I have hit a problem!

Box wont restart

49 showing on the front panel and tv cycling between openvix please wait and blank screen

powered off and off the box a couple of times but made no difference

any body any insight on how to resolve?


28-11-18, 00:19
Sounds like the skin you have tried is not compatible.
Whilst the box is trying to start ftp into usr/share/enigma2 and delete the skins folder ( directory).

Then the box should reboot into the default skin.

28-11-18, 01:16
right some basic questions, this stuff is fairly new to me!

using filezilla - what protocol do I use to connect? ftp ftps .. also will the box require a username/password?



28-11-18, 05:49
Do you have a usb flash drive present? If so, unplug it and try that see if it now boots up.
To use an ftp client, you need to know the IP address of the receiver and the Username is “root” and the Password is left blank.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

28-11-18, 21:47

usp memory stick removed - no joy

renamed folder skin_default - no joy
renamed skin_default.xml - no joy
renamed skin.xml - no joy !

any other suggestions?



abu baniaz
28-11-18, 21:52
How are you interacting with your receiver to make the changes you have mentioned?

28-11-18, 21:57

FTP ( from windows 10 ) with filezilla


28-11-18, 22:37
If you haven‘t already download & install putty.
Stick a FAT32 usb ONLY in the front usb slot.
Reboot the SF8008
Connect to the SF8008 with putty
Login with root (no password)
Init 4 ..... wait for 30 secs and then:
enigma2 > /media/usb/log.txt
Stick the usb into your PC and post the log here.

28-11-18, 23:06

Init 4 not recognised!

root@sf8008:~# Init 4
-bash: Init: command not found


abu baniaz
28-11-18, 23:15
lowercase "i". There is guide in my signature with more commands if you want.

abu baniaz
28-11-18, 23:16
By the way, why are you renaming/removing skins?

I see earlier post. Please don't do any more renaming until you get a log file.

28-11-18, 23:29
login as: root
root@sf8008:~# init 4
root@sf8008:~# /media/usb/log.txt
-bash: /media/usb/log.txt: No such file or directory

28-11-18, 23:32
….should be enigma2 > /media/usb/log.txt

28-11-18, 23:39
login as: root
root@sf8008:~# init 4
root@sf8008:~# enigma2 > /media/usb/log.txt
-bash: /media/usb/log.txt: No such file or directory

29-11-18, 00:34
OK was able to get a log using enigma2.sh > ~/debug.log 2>&1

see attached, hopefully they will mean something to some body!

29-11-18, 08:37
@ccs and Abu

Apologies for the typing mistakes - was rushing off to bed and ......
Unfortunately, as I remembered this morning when I looked at the logs the SF8008 does not always log crash failures at this stage (I guess something to do with the HiSilicon implementation), although I guess it crashed because it cannot handle the skin issues - I was just hoping it would show where.
So you are going to have to reflash the box - just make sure that you always backup settings and in your case if you are ggoing to play with skins try them one at a time.
In case you haven’t seen, there are 4 of the normal skins already installed - just select and try.

29-11-18, 10:19
Why are you renaming the folder to "default_skin"?
If the skin is not compatible then it wont work no matter what you rename it to.
Just delete the folder of the skin thats causing you problems.

29-11-18, 22:57
Why are you renaming the folder to "default_skin"?
If the skin is not compatible then it wont work no matter what you rename it to.
Just delete the folder of the skin thats causing you problems.

There was one folder and two xml documents with 'skin' in the title. To aid troubleshooting
rather then deleting any of these I just renamed them so they could easily be restored if required.

Anyway box reflashed and back in business

Thanks to all


29-11-18, 23:11
There was one folder and two xml documents with 'skin' in the title. To aid troubleshooting
rather then deleting any of these I just renamed them so they could easily be restored if required.

Anyway box reflashed and back in business

Thanks to all

..... but you probably learned more in a couple days about E2 than many learn in in 12 months!!!