View Full Version : How to watch Skylink in VU+ Duo

02-02-11, 10:23
Acording to new image developers policy:

decided to remove all softcams from the ViX plugin feeds. We will also be banning any kind of Softcam emulator config talk that discusses any type of card sharing, all be it LAN or WAN. We will only tolerate posts asking for help in using official paid smart-cards in one receiver.
I am now seeking help how to watch my provider SkyLink (www.skylink.sk). As far as I know its cryptoworks encryption, however moving over to irdeto soon. I used scam 3.59 to read my legal smart card, since it's not supported by VU+ natively.
Now, when softcam support has been withdrawn, shell I sell my VU+ and buy some other device that can read cryptoworks cards without any firmware modifications?
Thanks for help.

02-02-11, 11:02
softcams, can be loaded to your unit, via manual installation, not sure which softcam you would need, for your encryption, but its not difficult, all you need is a softcam ipk file, ftp it to your temp folder, then via the manual install option, load it to your unit ( if you google search, you should find the info you need )


02-02-11, 16:17
The problem is, I am layman in Linux. When I was buying VU+ I have been told its super easy and that I shouldn't worry about cryptoworks, there are plenty images that provides you with softcams that can manage my card. And it was like that, I have seen Enigma first time and I was able to flash new image, download and run softcams and watch TV in maybe one hour.
But now I am bit lost. I have no idea where to get scam ipk file for VU+, how to write configuration file and I don't think this is knowledge average user should really need. So I am left with two options - do not upgrade image and leave it as it is or sell VU+ and go for something else.

I have one question though - if I backup my current VTI image using their built in backup tool, will I get flashable image with all configurations, plugins, softcams? In other words if I backup, may I safely try latest version of whichever image and if I fail to configure softcam I need, will I be able to come back to what I am using now?

02-02-11, 16:34
Simple, just round the forum ;) http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?5921-Cams-for-ViX-Team-images

27-02-11, 19:55
Will those ipks work in VTI image, or are they solely for vix?

28-02-11, 14:32
just for VIX as far as i know

28-02-11, 15:54
nas_matko, I have PMed you with a link for you VTI image
Hope this helps
And please do not sell you VU+ :)