View Full Version : [VU+ Ultimo] Service id not found in program association table

06-11-18, 20:05
Today I online-updated my Ultimo from 5.2.006 to 5.2.009 as I saw the update being available.
At first everything was working fine, but then while I was watching one channel and another one was being recorded, and I tried to change the channel being watched, I got the old error message "Service id not found in program association table". (I have the interface set to Finnish, so the English version may have a different wording, but that's the idea.)
Looks exactly the same error message that sometimes occurred last year in many versions until it got fixed.
Now I am flashing back to 5.2.006 to avoid any timer recordings failing because of this.

14-11-18, 23:09
This happened two days ago also in 5.2.006, and even booting the device didn't help. I still couldn't see some of the channels I don't watch often. But it turned out that rescanning the channels helped, so it was not an image version thing after all.
I just didn't expect the need to rescan, because the cable operator has always sent a warning letter in good time before they change anything like that, and this time I don't remember seeing any. And neither do I see any relevant notification at their website.