View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] Is there a basic periodic EPG plain text data exporter?

02-11-18, 02:24
I’m looking for a way to either periodically (daily) dump the current EPG basic data to a text file (Csv, Json or XML) for remote ftp access or achieve the same via an http request to the box.

Does a plugin exist which will provide this functionality?

I’m writing some software to run on my PC which needs this data and I don’t particularly want to scrape the EPG output of OpenWebif or try to interpret the contents of the epg.dat cache file.

In the absence of anything existing, I guess I will be researching how to write my own plugin.

Many thanks for any advice.

02-11-18, 02:52
I don't know of any way.
The simplest way might be to get a decoder for the epg.dat backup file.

02-11-18, 03:00
Hmmmm.....you could look at this?


and this old OpenPLi thread might contain some info


02-11-18, 03:11
In fact it's fairly simple.
You can query OpenWebIF for the EPG for any channel using its Service Reference (which will be in the /etc/enigma2/lamedb5 file).

wget 'http://et8000/web/epgservice?sRef=1:0:19:4484:4083:233A:EEEE0000:0:0 :0' retrieved all of my BBC ONE HD EPG as xml. After that its just a matter of a loop and text processing....

abu baniaz
02-11-18, 07:16
If this is for 28.2, LraiZer has a radio times EPG emulator which will obtain the OpenTV EPG. Check his GitHub page as well as on his home forum.

There is another plugin which can do the uploading. This is referenced on his home forum. I am pretty sure same thread else it will be in the "wiki" thread.

02-11-18, 11:32
Thanks birdman that looks very, very promising … could you tell me if there is another Web query to get a list of the current service references and names?

I'm hoping the answer is yes, in which case I can probably take it from there.


02-11-18, 12:35
I'd be surprised if you didn't find what you want here...


02-11-18, 12:48
I'd be surprised if you didn't find what you want here...

So you can get all of the services (and the bouquets they are in...) with

wget 'http://et8000/web/getallservices'

02-11-18, 12:59
….. EMJB gave me the link.

02-11-18, 15:28
I'd be surprised if you didn't find what you want here...


Wow! Wow! Wow!... Many thanks for the link, only had the box a couple of days ... totally impressed with this level of access.
Hopefully case closed for me for the time being until I start looking at my next requirement - current public Web IP reporting... but that's a separate post later if needed.

Many thanks