View Full Version : Tiviair alpha plus internal hard drive

27-10-18, 11:58
I updated my tiviair alpha plus to latest Openvix image but unfortunately I cannot initialise my hard drive anymore. I have got 2x tiviair with 1tb and 500gb hard drive. Can someone help with this problem pls?

27-10-18, 12:47
Why are you initialising your hard drive? It will remove all your recordings/epg etc.

If you need to initialise the hard drive probably needs to be mounted through the menu.

27-10-18, 12:52
I just installed a 500gb to one of the boxes and needed to set it up to record and activate time shift features.

27-10-18, 14:13
Go into menu/setup/vix/mount manager.

27-10-18, 16:00
Thanks, sorted. I reinstalled Openvix.