View Full Version : Streaming Video

Black Coral
30-01-11, 22:40
The VU+ Duo is great in so many ways but one feature that I find so unstable and flakey is streaming from the web interface.

I have successfully streamed video using Windows Media and VLC although it is so unstable.

So many times it just fails to work, simply runs in fast forward for several seconds before stopping, or the video runs fine but audio is either missing or stuttering.

Reboots of computer and VU+ fails to resolve the issue. I have tried on several PC's, MAC's and ubuntu OS with the same results.
Network is both wired and wireless, again same results regardless.

Can anyone conform this as normal behaviour with the VU+ or? as its driving me mad.


30-01-11, 23:09
i am streaming from the web interface every day to my laptop using the latest VLC Media Player 1.1.6 over my wireless lan

cant get HD to stream without dropouts/stutering but SD is perfect im using vix 1.3

30-01-11, 23:30
I am able to stream SD content perfectly fine also via wireless and wired too.

HD is a whole different story though.. I've tried everything bar a new router at this stage with no success. I get about 5-10 seconds if I'm lucky with HD stream even now when both my PC and Vu Duo are both wired directly to the router.

Are you having issues streaming even SD content Black Coral??

31-01-11, 01:05
Hope this helps, the only way I found to get a reliable stream was to use the enigma2 plugin in xbmc, the image I use is openpli and I stream via homeplugs to my xbmc acer revo upstairs( wireless also works too), even hd channels are perfect

Give it a try and any questions feel free to ask.

31-01-11, 02:34
I can stream HD thru web-i , works like a charm.

31-01-11, 10:39
I am running the latest VIX 1.3 and the latest VLC software with Mozilla plugins, although the webtv page informs me that there are require plugins, when click on the channel tv screen and open the file with VLC all HD channels open up fine with no stuttering - however this is with a wired pc.