View Full Version : Post-descrambling of recording

29-01-11, 09:07
I have got recording that is not descrambled due to some problem of either VIX or scam. Scrambled channels were just black for some time but reboot of the box helped and they are OK now. However, the recording from that time is still black only and I cannot find any option to force descrambling now.

I have found that some other enigma boxes have this option if you go to movie list, press record button, choose proper CI/cam and you get new descrambled file. Is something like this possible on vu+ duo or how can I descramble my recording?

29-01-11, 10:35
Which enigma2 boxes have you seen that have this option? Never heard of it myself :confused:

29-01-11, 11:25
Which enigma2 boxes have you seen that have this option? Never heard of it myself :confused:

Maybe not enigma, but e.g. IPBox. Anyway, the question still is: how can this be achieved on vu+ duo?

29-01-11, 12:08
Maybe not enigma, but e.g. IPBox. Anyway, the question still is: how can this be achieved on vu+ duo?

I've never known it be possible full stop ... hence my asking which boxes... Maybe someone else will be able to tell you if it's possible :)

It couldn't have been a plugin by any chance would it?

29-01-11, 12:23
if the recording was,nt decoded at the time of recording, then you will have recorded a blank screen, so even if you could employ a decoder plugin, there would be nothing to decode


29-01-11, 12:40
if the recording was,nt decoded at the time of recording, then you will have recorded a blank screen, so even if you could employ a decoder plugin, there would be nothing to decode

I do not agree since black screen only means recording is scrambled and it still have all streams inside, only scrambled, so there is something to decode. Some devices normally record scrambled files if they cannot decode directly (e.g. when watching one program and recording another, due to their limitations), e.g. Topfield with original firmware, and they descramble later. I think vu+ must sometimes record scrambled files too if you use CI slot and because of card/module limitations you cannot share it for more programs at the same time. So I suppose post-descrambling must be somehow solved.

31-01-11, 16:11
So, no one has any idea about descrambling of recorded file on vu+, providing card is working OK and the keys are still valid? Is it so exceptional to get scrambled record on vu+? If so, devices with post-descrambling have slight advantage as you can e.g. take your card to somewhere else and when you return home, you just descramble all your recordings.

31-01-11, 16:34
THe ipbox is not an enigma2 mips based machine though is it?! So, that might be the limitation in itself...

31-01-11, 17:18
I honestly don't think that this can be achieved on any Enigma based Linux receiver. I'm sure the Enigma based receivers don't descramble recordings.

Digital Cloud
12-08-11, 14:10
I want to resurrect this thread. Are there any reasons that prevents implementing of descrambling/playing scrambled records? Does recorded streams contain program ident information as well as packets with DW keys? If yes - scrambled recorded streams could be decoded in the same way as live programs. If no - this is an epic fail and then we have another question - how to record vital information with a stream, could it be implemented by an image or not?

P.S. My six years old Topfield device is able to play scrambled records the same way as you play clear (descrambled) records. No addition actions (selecting a cam, etc...) is required.

13-08-11, 03:36
if you turn all cams off you can still watch encrypted recordings so the decoding is done prior to saving.

Digital Cloud
13-08-11, 22:23
if you turn all cams off you can still watch encrypted recordings so the decoding is done prior to saving.
yes, it proves the packets are decoded before saving. the problem is if receiver could not descramble packets during recording. and there are many reasons for such situations. in that case the record is lost. but this is nonsence. such devices such as vu+ duo must be able to decode scrambled recorded streams during playback as well. and only one major condition must be true to do this: the receiver must store ECM (Executable Control Message) packets together with recorded stream. then it is possible to descrable stream the same way as live broadcast is descrambled.

does someone of VIX team can confirm if vu+ duo and other enigma2 boxes store ECM packets? could it be controlled somehow?

P.S. i'm trying to analyse some scrambled streams recorded with my CTech ET9000 enigma2 box, but could not find any traces of ECM packets for now.