View Full Version : [Mut@nt] HD51 Re-flash warning message

06-08-18, 16:37
Trying to re flash 5.1.032 but i get a warning message - You are about to flash an eMMC flash, we can not take responsibility for any errors or dame to your box during this process - Proceed with CAUTION What's that about ?

06-08-18, 16:53
Means you are going to do a couch flash to a box that uses eMMC flash. So if you brick the box that is down to you.

06-08-18, 17:04
Thanks - i remember now. Arm receivers need to be done via usb.

06-08-18, 18:59
.... not really correct.
The multiboot receivers such as HD51 (and its derivatives) and the Giga 4K‘s have a multiboot facility where you can online flash a different partition from the current live image without issues... and if necessary reboot the original image.
There have probably been 100‘s of such flashes across teh last few years without problems.
The non multiboot receivers such as Vu+ and Octagon do not have this feature so with an online flash you are flashing over the current image.... and its your risk