View Full Version : Remote control buttons

13-06-18, 00:56
Guys is it just me or do you think the buttons are quite rigid on the duo2 remote and take some firm pressing as opposed to the soft touch required for it's predecessors and the solo2. I am thining if it will work to use the samsung tvs one connct remote instead but I would prefer not to:eek:

13-06-18, 13:39
Duo2 remote is unfortunately very poor. Disappointing when the Duo2 box itself is extremely good.

The Harmony universal remote is excellent, and shows how remote control buttons work properly when a manufacturer takes trouble to get it right. But the Harmony is not cheap.

The VU+Duo2 remote control is about the same quality as the pound shop remotes, so I suspect the manufacturing cost to VU+ is about one us dollar.

13-06-18, 13:53
I ditched the duo 2 remote pretty early on and got a vu universal works way better

13-06-18, 15:29
buy a logitech harmony for about 60 euro's and they last years.Also completely programmable buttons at your own wisch