View Full Version : cant remotely access view - help

28-01-11, 04:38
Hi guys,

i need some help accessing my vu+ remotely. Ive folleowed the tut but still having problems

Ive setup a no-ip account - ********.no-ip.org, Ive also enabled the virtual server on my route rand setup portforwarding on a specific port to the ip address of my vu . If I then put in a web browser ********.no-ip.org:12345, then I get error returned but If i put in ********.no-ip.org, I get the login and password screen for my router.

so what im thinking is my no-ip account is fine, but there seems to be a problem with my router then forwarding me onto my view. am i correct in saying this?? any ideas what i need to do?

any advice much appreciated

28-01-11, 08:14
Hi beezo,

I had a lot of trouble remotely accessing my router also! The issue turned out to be me incorrectly setting IP passthrough on the router but I also had to lower the firewall setting on the router!

The default setting for the firewall is medium which seems to block remote access but when I set this to low it now works fine!

Your router is possibly different though!

28-01-11, 09:40
If you have done what you say above then all should work.

It does however sound like an issue with the virtual server. Id take a look at it again and set the ports to what you set the duo too. Make sure that you have the IP address of your duo as the port to forward too.

28-01-11, 15:39
ok guys, could i just ask you please to check these screen shots of my router as see if ive done anything wrong. Ive took the security of my router just to make sure that its not that, that is causing the problem

http://http://www.flickr.com/photos/39955962@N08/5395186565 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/39955962@N08/5395186565)
http://http://www.flickr.com/photos/39955962@N08/5395784046/ (http://www.flickr.com/photos/39955962@N08/5395784046/)

if that is all setup correctly, if i put in my web browser ********.no-ip.org:12000, this should take me to my vu+, should it not??

28-01-11, 15:52
All looks ok in image 2. Im assuming that your VU IP is so then it looks good.

Just click on the both box for both TCP and UDP.