View Full Version : Is it possible to run both E2m3u2bouquet and CrossEPG?

20-05-18, 16:51
I have recently installed the new vix image Openvix 5 1 027 Release on my Vuultimo.

Following this, i have installed the E2m3u2bouquet for the first time after following a tutorial online. I would also like to have CrossEPG running so that I can have the EPG guide for free to air channels on astra 28.2e and freeview.

However, when I have installed and run both plugins, only channels via E2m3u2bouquet are showing in the epg guide as this plugin was installed and setup first.

Is it possible to run both E2m3u2bouquet and CrossEPG?

abu baniaz
20-05-18, 17:32
Don't mix up EPG and Bouquets. They are two different things.

EDIT: CrossEPG only fetches EPG data.

20-05-18, 20:04
how do i get the bouqets back then?

20-05-18, 20:10
The e2m3u2bouquet plugin will add bouquets on top or at bottom.
I run ABM, an e2m3u2bouquet equivalent and EPGimport (using the plugins EPGimport addins) without issue to create standard and IPTV bouquets with an EPG.
I believe that is the best option.
Just running the e2m3u2bouquet plugin again will generate the IPTV bouquets

20-05-18, 21:06
Thanks for your help guys.

It's been a long time since I last updated the image so I had forgotten what to do