View Full Version : VPN problem

22-04-18, 22:04
I have a problem with my receiver software. i don't seem to be able to install the vpn after flashing to the latest software. Has the vpn setup changed with version 5 of openvix?. i seemed to remember just dropping the openvpn folder into the etc file last time?. I have tried all day flashing numerous times and going all the way back to version 4 0 002 of openvix but everytime i open the menu whatever version i see openvpn setup or open vpn(newer version 5 software) in the network list. Any help greatly appreciated as I'm about to pull whatever little bit of hair i have left out.

23-04-18, 09:59
Sorry, tired last night and a bit careless with that info. what i meant to add was older version of openvix iirc had no openvpn listing in the network menu before i installed the vpn so not sure how to install it in the new build 5 of vix as my last build was 4 something.

24-04-18, 18:12
ok maybe I'm making a hash out of this thread but just wondering why theres a openvpn folder in the usr/lib directory? do i put my files in here? theres also a plugin folder inside the openvpn folder?. i cant get my vpn to work again after flashing latest version of vix? the open vpn folder is the same one ive always been using from my desktop so none of the four files have changed and i haven't changed my pia generated password. I'm really stuck here.

24-04-18, 19:54
Not got VPN myself. This may help you though >> OpenVPN Setup guide for most VPN,s

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

24-04-18, 21:56
Thanks Andy, i will try anything at this point lol