View Full Version : bye bye VIX

26-01-11, 17:14
no more emu in image available,then i go to PLI.
i canīt understand why all afraid about s***c**

26-01-11, 17:25
saying good bye to the vix image because the cams are not on are server any more is a bit short sighted

BH have had this policy for a long time no one has said they are switching to pli from BH

26-01-11, 17:39
on BH image there are also available s***c**

26-01-11, 17:40

Maybe soon you will have no image if You do not want to do it manually:roflmao:

26-01-11, 17:41
Sorry but it is not dificult to install a softcam.It also looks like most teams are not going to be offering softcams in there plugins for legal reasons probably.
So maybe people beter start to learn to manualy install them

26-01-11, 18:01
no more emu in image available,then i go to PLI.
i canīt understand why all afraid about s***c**

If you open your eyes and actually read the forum you will find a very helpful post from a very helpful member http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?5921-Cams-for-ViX-Team-images

If you want to use PLi go ahead, what are you going to do if they remove softcams from their feeds too? Throw away your VU+? :wave::wave::wave:

26-01-11, 19:02
hopefully ALL teams will stop having emulators and softcams installed as default, meaning people will have to learn to do things for themselfs, and if they find it too hard, wont bother. this will hopefully have a knock on effect on payservers, meaning they slowly vanish and the CS 'hobby' can get back to being a hobby again

26-01-11, 19:27
I do wonder why people want things for free and then moan when they have to do things for themselves. All linux boxes require a bit of work to get them working.

26-01-11, 20:08
no more emu in image available,then i go to PLI.
i canīt understand why all afraid about s***c**

considering that it takes seconds to install them manually i find your decision and this thread rather baffling.

26-01-11, 20:16
Had to do a reflash today....couldn't find the emu plug in I was looking....asked a question.....got an answer and realised what I had to do and it took seconds.......when something like this happens it forces you to learn something new about your box....its really no biggie and I don't blame them for removing the emus from the menu.....will save millions in a law suit. Fair play to you guys and thanks for the constant support and development you carry out.

Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk

26-01-11, 20:18
Had to do a reflash today....couldn't find the emu plug in I was looking....asked a question.....got an answer and realised what I had to do and it took seconds.......when something like this happens it forces you to learn something new about your box....its really no biggie and I don't blame them for removing the emus from the menu.....will save millions in a law suit. Fair play to you guys and thanks for the constant support and development you carry out.

Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk

very well said. plus rep for having common sense.

26-01-11, 20:25
hopefully ALL teams will stop having emulators and softcams installed as default, meaning people will have to learn to do things for themselfs, and if they find it too hard, wont bother. this will hopefully have a knock on effect on payservers, meaning they slowly vanish and the CS 'hobby' can get back to being a hobby again

I could not have put it better myself.
As for kaneguru I think your linux experience may be short lived.

26-01-11, 20:34
guys, can i just ask the question why? now ok its not exactly rocket science to load a cam for the avid user but I would like to understand if some sort of decision has been made within some legal courts that no longer allows such a download. so, while i have no issue with the decision, i would like to understand the basis for the decision

26-01-11, 20:43
guys, can i just ask the question why? now ok its not exactly rocket science to load a cam for the avid user but I would like to understand if some sort of decision has been made within some legal courts that no longer allows such a download. so, while i have no issue with the decision, i would like to understand the basis for the decision

yes recently in the german courts softcams were declared illegal. it makes sense for them to be removed, after all why should people face the prospect of legal action for a hobby when the end user can source and install the files them selves.

26-01-11, 21:03
no issue with what you say phoenix. question. can we simply identify what is valid to develop and what is not. i know andy, with some grief from me, supplied a softcam manager. now i appreciate that sicilian has said that this manager will remain within the vix image, i would like that the administrators identify what is and what is not acceptable in terms of development purposes so at least we have some idea if vix will still continue to support all us massive fans of its development

26-01-11, 21:07
at the moment there is only a issue with the softcams them selves. for obvious reasons. i would honestly not worry about any thing else, sic or andy will tell us if and when things change.

26-01-11, 21:11
no more emu in image available,then i go to PLI.
i canīt understand why all afraid about s***c**
Shut the door on your way out !
People like you really get my back up
If you want everything done for you then you dont belong in this hobby

26-01-11, 21:21
my request is that vix softcam manager can identify a user that is using a pay server, can cut these feckers off, and report them to the authorities at the same time. Now while this may not be currently possible, any chance of designing a softcam that could identify such users. Would we all love to get rid of them

26-01-11, 21:22
my request is that vix softcam manager can identify a user that is using a pay server, can cut these feckers off, and report them to the authorities at the same time. Now while this may not be currently possible, any chance of designing a softcam that could identify such users. Would we all love to get rid of them

i dont think thats a wise idea as technically by the letter of the law it is illegal even just to share your own card within your own home.

26-01-11, 21:30
my request is that vix softcam manager can identify a user that is using a pay server, can cut these feckers off, and report them to the authorities at the same time. Now while this may not be currently possible, any chance of designing a softcam that could identify such users. Would we all love to get rid of them

Would you like car makers to add a black box to there cars that tells the police every time you go over the speed limit so they can prosecute you

they wont sell many cars LOL

26-01-11, 21:39
silverfox, i'm a volvo user. they have already identified me as being not worth the effort. trying to get from 20mph to 30 mph in a volvo would take a full village road to make the point at which stage you are still struggling to keep up with the tractor in front of you

26-01-11, 22:05
hopefully ALL teams will stop having emulators and softcams installed as default, meaning people will have to learn to do things for themselfs, and if they find it too hard, wont bother. this will hopefully have a knock on effect on payservers, meaning they slowly vanish and the CS 'hobby' can get back to being a hobby again

I totaly agree its getting out off controll this way

26-01-11, 23:19
So is the support on here for a certain box that comes with a "gift" going to be dropped?

I had to laugh when a certain forum that would ban you for even mentioning the word "cs", decided to import & sell the boxes with a gift & then had a massive turnaround on there views.

26-01-11, 23:20
agree and disagree. it comes back to microsoft including windows explorer within windows. ok, i do understand the basis of this argument. so vix is very much a basic operating system sitting on enigma2. so if you want to play this argument then vix is not allowed to support any one media player over another, allowed to deliver scart over dvi over hdmi, not allowed to support one media saving/playing format over another. There are so many other arguments its pointless to continue. Cams are one aspect of the game. I would like to understand where the definition is complete. By restricting one aspect of this site you immediately put all other applications under question!!!!! It is not that hard to deal with this restriction but please consider where this may lead. Is it true that all linux applications should be not allowed (based on some degree of favouritism in selection within platform). So not only cams should be removed, skins should be removed, bouquets should be removed, picons should be removed and the list goes on.

26-01-11, 23:26
agree and disagree. it comes back to microsoft including windows explorer within windows. ok, i do understand the basis of this argument. so vix is very much a basic operating system sitting on enigma2. so if you want to play this argument then vix is not allowed to support any one media player over another, allowed to deliver scart over dvi over hdmi, not allowed to support one media saving/playing format over another. There are so many other arguments its pointless to continue. Cams are one aspect of the game. I would like to understand where the definition is complete. By restricting one aspect of this site you immediately put all other applications under question!!!!! It is not that hard to deal with this restriction but please consider where this may lead. Is it true that all linux applications should be not allowed (based on some degree of favouritism in selection within platform). So not only cams should be removed, skins should be removed, bouquets should be removed, picons should be removed and the list goes on.

i absolutely 100 percent disagree with every thing you just said. softcams and their use is a massive legal black hole, bouquets , skins and other plugins are all open source to be used and edited as seen fit. i really dont see how you ca even think to compare them.

27-01-11, 01:52
I've only been into the sat scene for about 6 months and its not rocket science to install a cam.
Like digi said pay servers will be the death of this hobby.
I share my sub with a box in the living room and my 77 year old sister who is fighting cancer and tv is all she has got to keep her interested
To say you are going to switch images because you haven't got a cam pre-installed is frankly rediculous

27-01-11, 02:42
hopefully ALL teams will stop having emulators and softcams installed as default, meaning people will have to learn to do things for themselfs, and if they find it too hard, wont bother. this will hopefully have a knock on effect on payservers, meaning they slowly vanish and the CS 'hobby' can get back to being a hobby again
I'm not trying to judge, but your comment is just about favouring one kind of illegal activity over another more public one.
One is not better than the other.

27-01-11, 02:50
This decision is however just dancing around the edges of the law isn't it. ie apparently it's ok to point users to where they can find softcams as long as they are not hosted here.
It's a bit like torrent sites claiming to be search engines and not liable because they don't actually host the shared files.
These legal loopholes bemuse me as to why they are not closed.

27-01-11, 18:35
I'm not trying to judge, but your comment is just about favouring one kind of illegal activity over another more public one.
One is not better than the other.

no m8, its not

card sharing 'used' to be just that, sharing a card

if i had a sly uk card, but i wanted to watch 3pm footy, i would find someone 'that i could trust' and we would 'trade' lines for single access to each others card

providors know this has been going on for years, but did nothing as

it was being used in territory that they have no rights to broadcast in anyway
nobody was actually making money from it
it was very small scale

i posted the maths on card sharing in another forum a while back, if i find the post ill copy it here, but 3 CS pay servers could easily cost a company like sly Ģ1/4 million a month, and this is why providors now activley work against card sharing

theres a HUGE difference between one person paying for a sub and sharing it with one person, and no money involved, and one person paying for 2 subs, and charging 500 people Ģ25 a month each to access them

27-01-11, 18:56
one person paying for 2 subs, and charging 500 people Ģ25 a month each to access them

You might have done your sums but getting 500 shares from 2 cards is ridiculous

27-01-11, 19:06
You might have done your sums but getting 500 shares from 2 cards is ridiculous

not with the rite hardware it's not. and there lies the problem, CS as DIGI stated has now moved away from hobbyists sharing a card between friends, it's now considered as a business and there are some server providers spending massive amounts of money on hardware.

27-01-11, 19:23
Never seen anything like those figures posted anywhere. max reported on 1 x Sly card is usually 30-40. Please prove me wrong :)

27-01-11, 19:40
Im closing this thread now as its run its course and is straying to far of topic!!!!!