View Full Version : [ET10x00] Software locking up when scrolling through EPG

25-03-18, 20:18
In the past few hours I’ve “software updated” to 5.1.22 from 5.1.21

On on pressing the guide button and the graphical EPG for that bouquet appearing the box totally locks up.

Sometimes I can scroll up/down half a dozen channels before the lock up occurs at other times the box is locked up immediately.

The TV picture in graphics still shows the last channel tuned to and there is still audio.

There is no spinning VIX and the box doesn’t respond to any of the buttons on the remote. I have to use the mains on/off switch to reset the box to get any functionality back.

Although enabled there don’t appear to be any crash logs.

This has happened 4 times in a row each with a mains on/off. Just in case of a corrupt EPG file, I have also deleted the EPG via the menu option, allowed 10 minutes for re-population before pressing the guide button but still get the immediate lock up.

I have reverted back to 5.1.021 and don’t see this problem.

25-03-18, 21:25
...there should be debug logs if you've enabled them.

26-03-18, 05:19
I can't replicate this, tried on 4 different boxes. Tiviar Alpha+, ET8500, VU+ Uno 4K SE and VU+ Ultimo 4K.

Please provide step by step info to replicate. EPG source? What signal type?

26-03-18, 09:59
Can you telnet to the box to reboot it?

If you can, I'll give it a try later on my ET10K, I'm not too keen on powering off at the mains if I can avoid it.

26-03-18, 12:09
There is no spinning VIX and the box doesn’t respond to any of the buttons on the remote. I have to use the mains on/off switch to reset the box to get any functionality back.

Although enabled there don’t appear to be any crash logs.That's because it hasn't crashed. It's looping somewhere (or waiting on a lock that it never gets).
The debug log for the time this occurs may provide some info.

26-03-18, 13:44
4 off debug logs from yesterday. Note: I did have both 5.1.021 and 5.1.022 installed yesterday. No other debug or other logs were generated.

The problem Bouquet/EPG was my favourites (fav_freesat(TV)) which was constructed using the webif bouquet editor and contains UK Freesat channels plus 1 off UK Freeview channel (BBC One HD) .

EPG is stored on USB stick but I assume that it read from in RAM when the box is operational. EPG source is EIT/over the air for both UK Freesat and UK Freeview channels. CrossEPG and EPG-Importer are not used - they are disabled. I only use Freesat/Freeview for TV. Automatic timeshift is enabled. All recordings and timeshift are to an internal hard disk with more than 400Gb free.

I've seen no occurrence of the problem since reverting back to

26-03-18, 15:14
4 off debug logs from yesterday.
56454Of those 4 logs, 3 show an orderly shutdown. The other one doesn't, but seems to be the one from when you did a software update (Enigma2_debug_2018-03-25_13-12-00.log) - it did an image backup.

For the four logs there is no sign of anything untoward:

Power button pressed (~7119) to shut it down.
Autostandby (11299.810) and Autoshutdown (~12020)
Software update done - results in a quick reboot.
Power button pressed (~18110) to shut it down.

26-03-18, 15:57
The logs were the ONLY ones generated yesterday when I had the problem. My logs were already enabled in the menus at the time. There are no crash logs. I performed a power off at the mains switch multiple times when the box hung during the day.

There were at least two automatic reboots, once when I software upgraded to 5.1.022 and again when i reverted to 5.1.021.

26-03-18, 16:44
I cannot get the fault to be as consistent as happened yesterday but I have managed to get it to hang again with 5.1.022. I haven’t included the logs in the post as I guess that will just report normal operation as no debug or crash logs are generated on the problem hang-up.

Brand new test:

I deleted all the existing logs.

I software updated to 5.1.022 (which automatically performed a backup and reboot – I also told it to ignore the upcoming recording timer)

This created log 2018-03-26_16-03-26.

I went to the problem bouquet/epg and had no problems scrolling through the EPG.

I put the box into deep standby, and then switched the box back on.

This resulted in log 2018-03-26_16-07-18

I went to the bouquet/epg – box no longer responds to any remote button. MiniTV picture and audio still working. At no time was there a spinning VIX symbol indicating busy.

Waited approx 5 minutes

Switched off at the mains switch for 1 minute and then switched back on.

NO new logs generated

I went to the problem bouquet/epg and had no problems scrolling through the EPG.

I put the box into deep standby, waited 1 minute and then switched the box back on.

This resulted in log 2018-03-26_16-25-20

I went to the problem bouquet/epg and had no problems scrolling through the EPG.

26-03-18, 16:55
Where are you storing debug logs - in /media/hdd or /home/root ?

26-03-18, 17:01
Can you telnet to the box to reboot it?

If you can, I'll give it a try later on my ET10K, I'm not too keen on powering off at the mains if I can avoid it.

I'd imagine that if sound+video are still working, telnet should work ok?

26-03-18, 18:34
Where are you storing debug logs - in /media/hdd or /home/root ?


Logs are being produced when the sytem is working normally but nothing extra when a lock-up occurs.

Edit: I've just had another lock-up when scrolling through the EPG (5.1.022)

26-03-18, 18:54
I can't see why you lose the current debug log file when you power off.

If it's continually being written to then maybe it gets lost?

I've just tried a power off from deep standby and the *.log file is still there in /home/root/logs.

I'd put it in /media/hdd and see if that helps.

I'd also try telnet init 4 to stop enigma and init 3 to restart it, rather than powering off at the mains.

26-03-18, 19:04
/home/root/logsUnlikely, but that log could fill up the file system (scrolling though an EPG will produce entries in the log). If you have a USB stick that would be a better place to put them (also stops them being lost of you ever do a reflash).

26-03-18, 19:08
I put the box into deep standby, and then switched the box back on.

This resulted in log 2018-03-26_16-07-18

I went to the bouquet/epg – box no longer responds to any remote button. MiniTV picture and audio still working. At no time was there a spinning VIX symbol indicating busy.

Waited approx 5 minutes

Switched off at the mains switch for 1 minute....So that log should show something.

...and then switched back on. NO new logs generatedVery odd: you should have got another log started for another enigma2 start-up.

26-03-18, 19:12
I can't see why you lose the current debug log file when you power off.

I'm not losing the debug file when I power off normally. It's just I cannot power off normally on the lock-up as NONE of the remote buttons work, including the power button. If I kill the box by switching off the mains as a result of a lockup I get no debug logs and no crash logs.

26-03-18, 19:14
I'd also try telnet init 4 to stop enigma and init 3 to restart it, rather than powering off at the mains.If enigma2 is really looping then init 4 might not stop it. You might need:

init 4
killall enigma2 (if there is still an enigma2 process running - look at ps -ef output)
killall -9 enigma2 (if there is still an enigma2 process running)
init 3

26-03-18, 19:18
If I kill the box by switching off the mains as a result of a lockup I get no debug logs and no crash logs.That makes no sense.
Well, you'll never get a crash log as you never have a crash, but that shouldn't make debug logs disappear. Although in #9 (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?59212-Software-locking-up-when-scrolling-through-EPG&p=468499&viewfull=1#post468499) you seem to be saying that you don't get any debug log started at the next start-up, which is the bit that is very odd.

26-03-18, 19:24
Edit: I've just had another lock-up when scrolling through the EPG (5.1.022)

After lock-up telnet into box and init 4. Video/audio still worked still locked up (as expected)
As a check to see if telenet still working a df -Th gave the correct filesystem information
An init 3 resulted in no futher prompts in a windows 10 telnet command window. Box still in the lock-up condition, video and audio still working

Telnetted to the box again and init 6 which rebooted the box
Scrolling through the EPG now working again

The only two debug logs with timestamps associated with the problem occuring and the telnet commands are attached. There are no crash logs.


26-03-18, 21:02
That makes no sense.
Well, you'll never get a crash log as you never have a crash, but that shouldn't make debug logs disappear. Although in #9 (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?59212-Software-locking-up-when-scrolling-through-EPG&p=468499&viewfull=1#post468499) you seem to be saying that you don't get any debug log started at the next start-up, which is the bit that is very odd.

Just to confirm
5.1.022 via software update
I get a debug log if I put my box into deep standby
I do not get a debug log (or crash log) if the system hangs and I have to kill via the mains switch.
I do not get a debug log on the box starting up as a result of coming out of deep standby or as a result of being switch back on from the mains

I get no crash logs.

The existing logs I have in the log folder do not get deleted except when i manually delete them.

Reverting back to 5.1.021 which was also a software update
I only get a debug log for a normal shutdown. There is no startup debug log

Couch flashing 5.1.022 with a settings restore from 021
I only get a debug log for a normal shutdown. There is no startup debug log

Changing the log location to /media/hdd/logs and a reboot
No change. I get a debug log for a normal shutdown. There is no startup debug log

26-03-18, 21:12
I'm not losing the debug file when I power off normally. It's just I cannot power off normally on the lock-up as NONE of the remote buttons work, including the power button. If I kill the box by switching off the mains as a result of a lockup I get no debug logs and no crash logs.

That's what I was saying in my post.

26-03-18, 21:15
When I was messing about with nas mounts last week, I have the faintest recollection of debug logs being switched off when I was sure they were on.

Have you noticed anything similar?

26-03-18, 21:28
When I was messing about with nas mounts last week, I have the faintest recollection of debug logs being switched off when I was sure they were on.

Have you noticed anything similar?

I was also messing around with the same and wondered if this was the cause of the missing debug messages (perhaps a timing issue when accessing external equipment)
During the time I was messing around with different settings I deleted my external disk mount and rebooted the box - it made no difference.
When deleting the mount the box crashed (finger trouble) and generated 3 off crash messages so the box is still capable of generating these messages when necessary.
I also deleted/removed a MP3 browswer plugin that I installed last week and rebooted - no difference.

26-03-18, 21:45
I get a debug log if I put my box into deep standby
I do not get a debug log (or crash log) if the system hangs and I have to kill via the mains switch.
I do not get a debug log on the box starting up as a result of coming out of deep standby or as a result of being switch back on from the mainsThat's the bit which makes no sense.
The log is opened by the script which starts enigma2. So if it's being opened it will be there when the system hangs.

I get no crash logs.It's not crashing,so that's to be expected.

Reverting back to 5.1.021 which was also a software update
I only get a debug log for a normal shutdown. There is no startup debug logAs I said, it is opened (if at all) at enigma2 start-up. It doesn't (and can't) "just appear" at shutdown.

26-03-18, 22:11
That's the bit which makes no sense.
The log is opened by the script which starts enigma2. So if it's being opened it will be there when the system hangs.

It's not crashing,so that's to be expected.

As I said, it is opened (if at all) at enigma2 start-up. It doesn't (and can't) "just appear" at shutdown.

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding.

As I read you post...

On box start-up a log is started which presumably remains in RAM. So when does this log first get written to the log folder.
1) As and when required on a continuous basis while the box is on?
2) When the amount of data in the RAM reaches a threshold value?
3) Only as part of the shutdown process?

If 3 then this is what I’m seeing - one debug log file per on to off operation EXCEPT no file is written when I have to kill the box by an abrupt mains diconnection.

It doesn't "just appear" at shutdown
The file is in the log folder the next time the box is switched on with a time stamp matching the time when the box was last switched off.

So, all debug files are correcrtly generated if the box closes down normally.
When the box hangs debug info cannot be written because the box cannot be shut down in a normal way

27-03-18, 01:41
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding.Hence the questioning....to avoid any misunderstanding both ways.

On box start-up a log is started which presumably remains in RAM.No. It gets written to the file-system as each entry arrives. That's why you can read the latest entries in the log when the process is running.

...one debug log file per on to off operation EXCEPT no file is written when I have to kill the box by an abrupt mains diconnection.No. See above. You can, if you wish, tail -f the log to see the entries as they arrive whilst the process is running.

The file is in the log folder the next time the box is switched on with a time stamp matching the time when the box was last switched off.That's correct. If you've powered off at the mains the log should still be there, but its timestamp might not be correct. It should, however, be the last-but-one log (another one will have been started by the time you get to look for it).

So, all debug files are correctly generated if the box closes down normally.They are written to disk as the entries arrive. There will be memory buffering, but that would just mean you might not get the last few lines: the file should still be there - it was created when enigma2 started.

27-03-18, 02:32
Hence the questioning....to avoid any misunderstanding both ways.


Thanks for the explanation.

What has been confusing me is the timestamp applied to the debug file.

I telnet into the box and at 1:55am issue a init 4 command and then go to the logs folder and delete all the logs. At 2:06am I issue a init 3 command I get a new debug log file with a time stamp of 2:06. The time stamp starting this way is the current correct time. This confirms to me that a file is created on start-up.


I now put my box into deep standby at 2:09am and then switch it back on at 2:15am. On immediately checking I now see another debug log with a time stamp of 2:09 and NOT 2:15 as expected. The time stamp applied to this file is last time the box was switched off and NOT the time that the box was switched back on again. The file and name may have been created as the box switched on but the time stamp hasn’t come from the current time – it has come from a historic record which may be minutes or hours in the past depend on how long the box has been switched off.

I’ve been assuming that the time stamp on the file reflected reality hence when switching the box off normally the file was created on switch off, as per the time stamp applied to the file.

27-03-18, 09:36
Where are you getting the time from, a time server or the current mux/transponder?

27-03-18, 09:39
The file and name may have been created as the box switched on but the time stamp hasn’t come from the current time – it has come from a historic record

Just to confirm. I switched the box into deepstandby at 3:00am and next switched the box on at 9:27am. The timestamp on the most recent entry in the log folder is 3:00:44.

Edit: and first time into the graphocal EPG and a lock up. The lock up occured immediately on the bouquet/epg appearing

Telnet to box, init 4 then init 6 and here is the debug file
The file with the timestamp of 3-00-44 was the one active when the lock-up occured
The file with the timestamp of 9-42-19 is the file start after the init4, init 6 reboot


Edit 2
Could this be an extreme symptom of something I have seen on a very odd occasion in many builds? I tend to change channels by going to the graphical EPG and scrolling up/down to find something else to watch. Sometimes when pressing, say, the down button multiple times the box doesn’t respond to the key presses immediately. It waits for maybe one or two seconds and then responds to all previous key presses and the program 5 down from the start position is highlighted.
In the case of the lock-up this delay is extended to forever (or at least > 5 minutes)

27-03-18, 09:42
I reckon the last shutdown time is used very early in the boot process.

Very long thread here which may confirm.....


27-03-18, 12:30

I now put my box into deep standby at 2:09am and then switch it back on at 2:15am. On immediately checking I now see another debug log with a time stamp of 2:09 and NOT 2:15 as expected. The time stamp applied to this file is last time the box was switched off and NOT the time that the box was switched back on again.That's because your box hasn't yet got the correct time. fake-hwclock will have set it to the shutdown time and enigma2 has started up before your box has managed to get the correct current time via NTP.
Don't read too much into the log names or time-stamps. Just take their names in order.

27-03-18, 12:32
Very long thread here which may confirm.....

http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?58598-Vix-5-1-006-Time-wrong&highlight=timer+serverYes. I must get back to SpaceRat about my "improved" ntpdate-sync.

29-03-18, 02:18
For now I've reverted back to 5.1.021 which appears to be working without problems. This is using the same settings, bouquets and EPG that locked-up 5.1.022 on my machine.

On a lock-up I can still telnet into the box to reset it with an init 6 command. On lock-up the box doesn't respond to any key on the remote. The last debug report I posted as a result of a lock-up seems to (correctly) show that more than one scroll down (the graphical EPG) command was seen by the box and recorded in the log (as the last few entries) but it didn't cause anything to happen on screen.

I tried installing 5.1.022 by both the software update and the couch flash method.
I've tried deleting the epg.dat file twice using telnet and the init 4 command before deleting the file
I only get my EPG for Freesat and Freeview over the air.

29-03-18, 12:27
FYI: reported here to:

29-03-18, 13:43
I had a similar problem with the GraphicalEPG freezing after installing 5.1.022 and reloading my backup settings. I was able to cure the problem as follows

Firstly go to Setup/EPG/Load-save-delete/Delete EPG and delete etc/enigma2/epg.dat

Secondly go to Setup/EPG/CrossEPG/Download now.

This seems to have cured the problem for me so hopefully does for others suffering the same problem.

29-03-18, 15:51
I had a similar problem with the GraphicalEPG freezing after installing 5.1.022 and reloading my backup settings. I was able to cure the problem as follows

Firstly go to Setup/EPG/Load-save-delete/Delete EPG and delete etc/enigma2/epg.dat

Secondly go to Setup/EPG/CrossEPG/Download now.

This seems to have cured the problem for me so hopefully does for others suffering the same problem.

i) I have deleted the EPG file multiple times by telenet, init4, remove file AND by the menu option
ii) I don't use CrossEPG and it is disabled. EPG importer is also been disabled. I get all my 7 day EPG over the air (Enable EIT EPG = yes, Enable Freesat EPG = yes)

Lock-up still occurs although more random in nature since I first reported it.

abu baniaz
29-03-18, 15:58
What display settings have you got for Graphical EPG?
Does crash happen more often if you select a bouquet with a missing picon?

29-03-18, 16:13
Maybe a debug during the period when it works might help?

Which skin are you using - the last skin reference in the debug log is to GraphicalEPGPIG

My guess is that you're using picture in graphics and channel preview mode.

abu baniaz
29-03-18, 16:53
Does the bouquet have services that are on a dead frequency owing to Freeview changes?

29-03-18, 17:23
Background answering a few other questions
Skin = Vix-Night-HD (1280 x720)

My EPG location is /media/hdd
My EPG filename is epg (.dat)
I get my EPG over the air and don' t import any EPG from the Internet
For the graphical epg, channel preview mode = yes, show bouquets on launch = yes, picture in graphics = yes

Couch re-installed 5.1.022 with settings and plug-in restore from 021

Installed and ran the enigma2-plugin-extensions-removeepg-2016_06_17_all.pk
EPG confirmed as being mainly blank and being re-populated

A few minutes later the box locks-up when first accessing graphical epg

Telnet session
init 4 - no visible response seen on TV screen – Mini video picture and audio still working.
killall enigma2 – no change, mini video picture and audio still working.
killall -9 enigma2 – EPG still on TV screen, no mini TV picture (black picture) and audio dead.
init 3 - EPG still on screen, mini TV picture shows one of the VIX start-up splash screens and no audio
The box is still locked up.

Result of telnet, including an intermediate ps -ef

Welcome to OpenViX for et10000
openvix 5.1 et10000

et10000 login: root
Last login: Thu Mar 29 15:47:58 BST 2018 on pts/0
root@et10000:~# init 4
root@et10000:~# ps -ef
root 1 0 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 init [4]
root 2 0 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [kthreadd]
root 4 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [kworker/0:0H]
root 6 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [ksoftirqd/0]
root 7 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [rcu_sched]
root 8 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [rcu_bh]
root 9 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [migration/0]
root 10 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [lru-add-drain]
root 11 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [cpuhp/0]
root 12 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [cpuhp/1]
root 13 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [migration/1]
root 14 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [ksoftirqd/1]
root 16 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [kworker/1:0H]
root 17 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [kdevtmpfs]
root 18 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [oom_reaper]
root 19 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [writeback]
root 20 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [crypto]
root 22 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [bioset]
root 23 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [kblockd]
root 24 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [ata_sff]
root 25 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [cfg80211]
root 26 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [rpciod]
root 27 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [xprtiod]
root 28 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [kswapd0]
root 29 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [vmstat]
root 30 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [bioset]
root 31 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [nfsiod]
root 32 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [cifsiod]
root 61 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [bioset]
root 62 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [bioset]
root 63 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [bioset]
root 64 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [bioset]
root 65 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [bioset]
root 66 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [bioset]
root 67 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [bioset]
root 68 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [bioset]
root 69 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [scsi_eh_0]
root 70 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [scsi_tmf_0]
root 71 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [scsi_eh_1]
root 72 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [scsi_tmf_1]
root 80 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [bioset]
root 81 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [bioset]
root 82 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [bioset]
root 83 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [bioset]
root 84 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:03 [kworker/0:2]
root 85 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [ubi_bgt0d]
root 86 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [ubifs_bgt0_0]
root 87 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [scsi_eh_2]
root 88 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [scsi_tmf_2]
root 89 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [usb-storage]
root 93 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [kworker/1:1H]
root 120 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [kworker/0:1H]
root 121 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [jbd2/sda1-8]
root 122 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [ext4-rsv-conver]
root 126 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [bioset]
root 183 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [jbd2/sdb1-8]
root 184 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [ext4-rsv-conver]
root 235 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [dpcr_integrator]
root 236 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [graphics3d_work]
root 237 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [nxsched]
root 238 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [nxsched]
root 239 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [nxsched]
root 240 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [nxsched]
root 241 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [nxsched]
root 242 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [nxsched]
root 243 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [nxsched]
root 244 2 12 15:05 ? 00:08:55 [nxsched]
root 261 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [pp_work]
root 262 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [rp_work]
root 332 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [reboot_work]
root 335 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [ci_work]
root 339 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [sci0]
root 341 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [sci1]
root 343 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [cec-hdmi_cec]
root 372 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [bioset]
root 374 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [xfsalloc]
root 375 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [xfs_mru_cache]
message+ 552 1 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --system
root 559 2 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 [ipv6_addrconf]
root 560 1 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/dropbear -r /etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key -p 22 -B
root 598 1 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 udhcpc -R -b -x hostname et10000 -p /var/run/udhcpc.eth0.pid -i eth0
root 608 1 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 odhcp6c -Nnone -d -p /var/run/odhcp6c.eth0.pid eth0
root 640 1 0 15:05 ? 00:00:02 automount
root 650 1 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/inetd
root 656 1 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/llmnrd -6 -d
root 669 1 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/nmbd
root 676 1 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/wsdd
root 680 1 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 /sbin/syslogd -n -O /var/log/messages
root 683 1 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 /sbin/klogd -n
root 686 1 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/telnetd
avahi 693 1 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 avahi-daemon: running [et10000.local]
avahi 694 693 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 avahi-daemon: chroot helper
root 698 1 0 15:05 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/vsftpd
root 1432 2 0 15:12 ? 00:00:04 [kworker/u4:1]
root 3204 2 0 15:27 ? 00:00:02 [kworker/1:2]
root 7264 2 0 16:02 ? 00:00:00 [kworker/u4:2]
root 7443 1 6 16:03 ? 00:00:54 /usr/bin/enigma2
root 7454 2 0 16:03 ? 00:00:00 [kdvb-ad-0-fe-0]
root 7492 2 0 16:04 ? 00:00:00 [kdvb-ad-0-fe-2]
root 7558 2 0 16:04 ? 00:00:00 [kworker/0:1]
root 8022 2 0 16:08 ? 00:00:00 [kworker/1:0]
root 9233 686 0 16:15 pts/0 00:00:00 /bin/login
root 9245 9233 0 16:15 pts/0 00:00:00 -sh
root 9679 9245 0 16:18 pts/0 00:00:00 ps -ef
root@et10000:~# killall enigma2
root@et10000:~# killall -9 enigma2
root@et10000:~# init 3

On issuing an init 6 command the box reboots after approx 5 seconds

Attached are 4 debug files
The first two (with the earlier time stamps were when I was experimenting with the location of the epg which was named new_epg.dat and stored on my usb stick - but still with random lock-ups.

The ones with the later time stamps are the ones associated with this post. The one I believe to have been active at the time of the crash appears to be very short and perhaps of not much use. The one with the latest time stamp was after the init 6 reboot.
The very short debug log is the second to last in the list
There are no crash logs.


29-03-18, 17:27
Does the bouquet have services that are on a dead frequency owing to Freeview changes?

The bouquet is Freesat apart for one Freeview channel
All are working

All but one channel has an associated picon.

I don't see the same problems with exactly the same bouquet/epg/picon data in 5.1.021

29-03-18, 17:44
What display settings have you got for Graphical EPG?
Does crash happen more often if you select a bouquet with a missing picon?

Setting and an image of (a working) EPG included.

I tend to only use my favourites bouquet. The crash is random. Sometimes a scroll through the EPG works multiple times, sometimes the scrolling will start ok but freezes after, say. half a dozen channel have been selected and sometimes the freeze is at the point when the EPG screen is drawn. The freeze can happen at any point in the channel list.

Bear in mind with exactly the same data I've never seen the problem in 2.1.021 and I must have accessed the bouquet/epg in the same way perhaps a 100 times more than I have when trying 022.

For now I'm reverting back to 021 to make my viewing more reliable.


29-03-18, 18:03
The crash is random. Sometimes a scroll through the EPG works multiple timesIs that scrolling with Up/Down arrows or the 2/8 keys? Or both/either.

abu baniaz
29-03-18, 18:15
I am not going into a debate about EPG. The Graphical EPG displays several components. If you accept this fine, otherwise life is too short.

There are essentially two commits between 021 and 022. One is a re-application of existing code after removal to facilitate merging (elist centering). The other is the tuner lock for receivers with drivers that are like the hd51. The issue I experienced resulted in a spinner for over an hour until I got home. Others are unable to reproduce it, I cant consistently reproduce it. My Freeview frequencies changed. After deleting channel data and rescanning, there has not been a crash.

Lamedb file is part of a settings nbackup/restore.

Can you please try the following:

init 4 && sleep 10 && rm -rf /etc/enigma2/lamedb* && init 3

This will not affect your bouquets (that are invoked by G-EPG). Scan again afterwards.

If this still crashes, can you try disabling picons in Graphical EPG please>

29-03-18, 18:18
The ones with the later time stamps are the ones associated with this post. The one I believe to have been active at the time of the crash appears to be very short and perhaps of not much use. The one with the latest time stamp was after the init 6 reboot.Well, there are two things about it - or rather one thing about it that has two "different interpretations":
It has many entries like "[eEPGCache] FS subtable (60571e00) version changed (6) now/next (1)".

I don't see this at all (I'm just using the EIT from Freeview), but some of your other logs show it too.
It ends with this. Which is odd as enigma2 has a handler for the signals it's expecting to get, which would produce a short stack dump. Whereas this could be lost with a power cycle, it wouldn't be lost with an "init 6" (or "reboot", which might be easier to remember).

So the implication is it's being killed an unusual signal.

29-03-18, 18:47
My Freeview frequencies changed. After deleting channel data and rescanning, there has not been a crash.

Latest scheduled Freeview changes.....


29-03-18, 19:43
Latest scheduled Freeview changes.....


i) The bouquet/epg that is causing a lock-up is all satellite (I did remove the one Freeview channel and still got the lock-up)
ii) My All Freeview bouquet is automatically updated daily by ABM
iii) My All Freesat bouquet is automatically updated daily by ABM
iv) All channels in my favourites bouquet work
v) Bluebell Hill changes are the end of September 2018
vi) no problem with same data in 5.1.021

abu baniaz
29-03-18, 20:26
Have you found a reliable way to cause it or is it still random?

29-03-18, 21:29
Have you found a reliable way to cause it or is it still random?

Unfortunately still random but from a deep standby usually within an hour. I haven't been able to establish a pattern.
I'll have to stick to 5.1.021 over this bank holiday weekend.

abu baniaz
29-03-18, 22:02
Yep, reliable viewing is more important. Ill ask if we can make two enigma2 binaries for testing. will help identify which commit is causing/leading to issue.

30-03-18, 00:26
Is that scrolling with Up/Down arrows or the 2/8 keys? Or both/either.

Always with the up/down keys that surround the OK button on my remote.
The page is also selected with the EPG button and then selecting my favourite bouquet from the list

30-03-18, 00:42
As there is crap on TV........

A new test after doing what others have suggested may be the cure.

My favourites bouquet is now just Freesat channels – the one Freeview channel in that bouquet was removed.

I updated config files in ABM

I deleted the Freesat and Freeview bouquets (my fav_freesat is marked as keep). Confirmed that both Freesat and Freeview bouquets had been removed and that my fav_freesat bouquet was still present.

Selected every channel in the fav_freesat bouquet and confirmed that each was working.

Deleted EPG using both EPG delete in the menus and with the remove EPG script (not the plugin this time)

[Used notepad++ to convert script from windows format to linux format, FTP’d using FileZilla to /usr/scripts, changed file permissions using FileZilla to 755, used Vix script runner to run it]

Ran a ABM scan for UK Freesat and Freeview.

Removed snp-full.400x240-400x240.light.on.transparent picons (plugin browser)
Reinstated same picons (plugin browser)

All this was in 5.1.021 and then left the box for around 15 minutes for the EPG(s) to re-populate.

Deleted all previous settings and image backups for 5.1.021/022
Re-created new settings and image backup for 5.1.021

I think all of the above covers what other have suggested may be the cure.

Couch flashed to 5.1.022 with a settings and plugin restore from 5.1.021

Box put into deep standby and then off at the mains for 1 minute
Turned box back on at approx 23:35 29 Mar 2018

Pressed EPG button on remote, selected my fav_freesat bouquet, Graphical EPG screen appeared immediately.


While still in this state used FileZilla to FTP to the box and downloaded both debug files. The first is associated with the couch update reboot and the other as a result of the power off/on boot. The files are attached as logs7.zip

As per post #17 in this thread a telnet session (FileZilla disconnected)
The results are the same as in post #40

init 4 - no visible response seen on TV screen – Mini video picture and audio still working.
killall enigma2 – no change, mini video picture and audio still working.
killall -9 enigma2 – EPG still on TV screen, no mini TV picture (black picture) and audio dead.

I didn’t bother with init3 and went straight to init 6
I also did a ps -ef after the 2nd killall command this time

Telnet session attached as telnet2.zip

After this reboot the first time into the EPG the box is locked up again

All 3 debug log files associated with this test are attached as logs 8.zip (the first two should be the same as in logs7.zip)
There were no other debug or crash logs created during this test.

Back to 5.1.021 from the backup and again no problems with scrolling through the EPG – I’ve been into the EPG around 20 times since reverting back.


30-03-18, 00:48
Does the lock-up occur when the channels shown would page or when moving between, say, the second and third item on the current page?

30-03-18, 02:36
Telnet session attached as telnet2.zipHmmmm....enigma2 is a zombie owned by init. That shouldn't happen...since init is supposed to clear up any zombies that get passed to it. One thing that can cause this is if the process is stuck in the kernel (e.g. waiting on a lock it will never get).
All very odd...(but that last comment would explain why the logs ends the way it does).

[init is process 1 and zombies get noted as <defunct>].

30-03-18, 02:37
It has many entries like "[eEPGCache] FS subtable (60571e00) version changed (6) now/next (1)".I don't see these as that message is in FreeSat-specific code.

30-03-18, 09:48
Does the lock-up occur when the channels shown would page or when moving between, say, the second and third item on the current page?

Usually when scrolling up/down on the same page but I have had lock-ups when scrolling down though multiple pages and then the lock-up.

Cosmic Truth
30-03-18, 15:24
Usually when scrolling up/down on the same page but I have had lock-ups when scrolling down though multiple pages and then the lock-up.

It's the same for me. I've tried a few older backups, hoping that would do the trick, but I still get the receiver completely freezing when I scroll through the EPG.

30-03-18, 15:26
It's the same for me. I've tried a few older backups, hoping that would do the trick, but I still get the receiver completely freezing when I scroll through the EPG.
So it's not a problem unique to 5.1.022.:confused:

Cosmic Truth
30-03-18, 16:15
So it's not a problem unique to 5.1.022.:confused:

No on my Mut@nt HD2400 it's not. If it were, I wouldn't be bothered, and would be happy to use the older versions until any problems have been sorted out.

I'm using 5.1.012 and the receiverfroze earlier when I scrolled through the EPG.

30-03-18, 18:24
Was 5.1.012 loaded from an image backup you've taken, or did you fresh flash and restore setting+plugins (from a later backup maybe)?

Cosmic Truth
30-03-18, 19:11
Was 5.1.012 loaded from an image backup you've taken, or did you fresh flash and restore setting+plugins (from a later backup maybe)?

It was from an image back up.

11-04-18, 18:06
For Info.

For the past 12 days having reverted back to 5.1.021 because .022 was locking up I haven't seen even a hint of the problem.

This afternoon I software updated to 5.1.024 and within a short time a complete lock-up again when scrolling through the graphical EPG (Vix-Night_Hd skin)

Log attached.


11-04-18, 18:12
I can't replicate any kind of lockup you've described on loads on many boxes that I've tested. Got to be something specific with your setup.

What tuners do you have? I've got a ET10K, going to try setup like yours. Anything special about your setup?

11-04-18, 18:26
I can't replicate any kind of lockup you've described on loads on many boxes that I've tested. Got to be something specific with your setup.

What tuners do you have? I've got a ET10K, going to try setup like yours. Anything special about your setup?

My box is only being used for UK Freesat and UK Freeview##

4 tuners - see attached images.


11-04-18, 18:29
Why are you using advanced tuner setup for the two satellite tuners? Have you tried simple > single > Astra 28.2?

I’ll setup later this week when I get a chance.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-04-18, 19:05
Why are you using advanced tuner setup for the two satellite tuners?

Possibly because it's been working that way since Aug 2015

Have you tried simple > single > Astra 28.2?

Changed to simple -> single, software updated to 5.1.024 and second time into Graphical EPG the lock-up occurred

11-04-18, 19:10
What epg importers you using? Where is epg stored?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-04-18, 19:28
No import of EPG, only gathered over the air.

EPG stored on USB stick (but has been working ths way for some considerable time)


11-04-18, 20:54
There are essentially two commits between 021 and 022. One is a re-application of existing code after removal to facilitate merging (elist centering). The other is the tuner lock for receivers with drivers that are like the hd51. The issue I experienced resulted in a spinner for over an hour until I got home. Others are unable to reproduce it, I cant consistently reproduce it.I'd be suspicious of that latter one, then. The process does seem to be waiting on a lock.

11-04-18, 20:55
I'll give this a test, hopefully have some time Friday, but can't promise, soon as I can will test this setup.

13-04-18, 11:58
I've just tested on a ET10K, same setup, issue replicated. Not sure of the cause though.

Not had a chance to read all this thread. Have you test OpenATV?

Theres some new drivers in OE-A git, I'm going to build a developer image and re-test next week before we delve any deeper.

13-04-18, 12:08
Have you test OpenATV?

No, I've only ever used OpenVix.

13-04-18, 12:11
No, I've only ever used OpenVix.

Sorry to be a pain, would you be able to test briefly with OpenATV please? AutobouquetsMaker is in their plugs > system plugins feed.

13-04-18, 18:03
Sorry to be a pain, would you be able to test briefly with OpenATV please? AutobouquetsMaker is in their plugs > system plugins feed.

I've been running with openATV for over an hour now with no lock-ups.


I believe I've configured it the same, or almost the same, as VIX although it didn't help that some of the menu items were still in German until a second reboot :confused:

I only set up two bouquets: an "all freeview" and an "all freesat" using ABM. I haven't pruned any channels from these bouquets and I haven't constructed my favourites bouquet.

I'll keep checking for around another hour before reverting back to Vix

13-04-18, 19:42
I'll keep checking for around another hour before reverting back to Vix

No EPG scrolling problems found with the OpenATV. I prpbably went into the EPG around 50 times and performed short and very long scroll sequences.

13-04-18, 22:25
Ideally, when comparing between images, it has to be identical (or close to) as possible so with regards to your bouquets, could you use the same bouquets in both images? Whether that be the full blown custom ones you mention that you use in Vix or just few ABM created ones that you used in ATV.

Bouquets can be found in /etc/enigma2 and are files ending in .tv (or .radio) and can be copied and pasted if need be or just delete all bouquets in Vix and create just the basic ones you mentioned you used in ATV. Obviously ensure you have a backup of image.

14-04-18, 00:34
Ideally, when comparing between images, it has to be identical (or close to) as possible so with regards to your bouquets, could you use the same bouquets in both images? Whether that be the full blown custom ones you mention that you use in Vix or just few ABM created ones that you used in ATV.

Bouquets can be found in /etc/enigma2 and are files ending in .tv (or .radio) and can be copied and pasted if need be or just delete all bouquets in Vix and create just the basic ones you mentioned you used in ATV. Obviously ensure you have a backup of image.

Sicilian, and others, have now seen the same problem and probably are using genereric ABM generated bouquets but not the same custom bouquets.

The 2 bouquets I used on OpenATV were gerenerated with exactly the same settings as I used to generate the 2 bouquets on OpenVix and which when selected in Openvix 5.1.022/024 cause the lockup. In addition, OpenATV seems to fill the directory with 10s of bouquets for every provider under the sun wheras OpenVix just limits bouquets to those requested and a few others such as last scanned.

And just to make sure:
Software update to 5.1.024, Stopped the box with a telnet session and an init 4, deleted all bouquets, deleted epg.dat, restarted the box with an init 3, ran ABM for freesat and freeview.
Waited a few minutes for EPG to start populating then the second time into the graphical EPG screen/freesat bouquet the box locked-up.

16-04-18, 13:54
Not sure what exactly caused this issue, but it is fixed, will be in next release build.

18-04-18, 22:48
5.1.025 installed for around 6 hours.
No lock-ups so far so it looks if the problem is fixed for me.