View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] LX3 neu image

05-03-18, 19:58
Dear Sirs,

I have an LX3 with your last image.
It works very well and I like also very much and I use all images with SEVEN Skin for a long time, but,

I had a problem with the EPG because you have a .pyo for the EPG which is vey long and the
information is out the screen. I beg you to make a .pyo shorter like others as HDF, etc.


05-03-18, 20:40
You’ will need to contact the author of the Skin, nothing to do with the ViX image.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-03-18, 20:46
I allways use the SEVEN Skin with all images and the EPG works well.
I know because I have a multiboot and I see the .pyo file
I know what is the problem. I explain:
With the VIX image the EPG is more or less :

SUN 04/03 17.00-17.30 - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxx

With others images ( more or less )

Sun 04 17.00 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sun 04 17.30 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

This is because the .pyo for the EPG is not the same as the others
and nothing with the Kraven who makes the SEVEN skin ( for me the best of all )
It has everything you want. It takes some time to make but is very very good.
Sorry for my English.
Anyway , my thanks

abu baniaz
06-03-18, 20:48
which py file are you referring to? Post pictures, that may show issue better.

06-03-18, 20:56
and nothing with the Kraven who makes the SEVEN skin ( for me the best of all )

Better skins available imo, but everyone to the own.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-03-18, 20:05
I am 77 years old and I work with satellites for + or - 30 years
My first sat receiver was an analogic Amstrad made in England
Now I have a XpeedLX3 with last image VIX .019 and a multiboot system with
HDF, ATV, NFR, etc, and with all images with SEVEN skin and the EPG works O.K.
With VIX, the EPG is too long and I can not see it. The problem is with the .Pyo file.
I test it and now I changed it with other from one of the above images:

I changed the EPGList.Pyo and
the EPGLoadSave.Pyo

As I said before this is not a problem with the SEVEN skin but with the .pyo file

Now it is 100% O.K.


abu baniaz
08-03-18, 02:13
Unless people understand the problem, nothing will change.

08-03-18, 03:31
Dear Sir,

I upload 3 screenshots from the .019 Vix image, which I like and I use now because it has the best
colour, defenition, etc, I want.

The problem with the EPG is now O.K.
With the VIX Skins, no problem.
The problem is with Seven skin and I think you now will understand
Anyway, for me is O.K.