View Full Version : [Mut@nt] HD51 Mutant HD51 Unable to restore image

02-03-18, 22:18
I have a hd51, i can create image backup but cannot restore, get an error message ofgwrite error. was trying to restore from HDD.

Dont know if the issues are related.

02-03-18, 22:44
I have a hd51, i can create image backup but cannot restore, get an error message ofgwrite error. was trying to restore from HDD.

Dont know if the issues are related.

As far as I remember, Imagemanager produces a disk image only for the HD51 so you have to do a usb flash to restore the image.... OpenViX don‘t do multiboot (single partition backups), like the other images,

02-03-18, 23:10
As far as I remember, Imagemanager produces a disk image only for the HD51 so you have to do a usb flash to restore the image.... OpenViX don‘t do multiboot (single partition backups), like the other images,

With USB, it says 'please wait while flash prepares', i wait 59 seconds, then nothing happens but it leaves a imagerestore folder, if i click the image restore folder it asks if i want to restore, and if i click yes i get the same ofgwrite error.

abu baniaz
02-03-18, 23:57
I have moved your posts to their own thread.

abu baniaz
02-03-18, 23:59
Post debug log please

03-03-18, 10:02
With USB, it says 'please wait while flash prepares', i wait 59 seconds, then nothing happens but it leaves a imagerestore folder, if i click the image restore folder it asks if i want to restore, and if i click yes i get the same ofgwrite error.

I am confused by your 1st post and this last one. What are you trying to do? restore a HD51 image backup or couch flash a OpenViX image??

If you use ImageManager to make an Image backup, it creates a full disk image which can only be restored by USB flashing not by ImageManager.
If you are trying to couch flash a ViX Image, you should be aware that you need a fair amount of space on the device used to store the downloaded images, as when it unzips the compressed (zip) file it initially for the HD51 unpacks both the disk image as well as the normal kernel and root files.... and depending on the device will take longer than for most receivers.

abu baniaz
03-03-18, 19:28
If you use ImageManager to make an Image backup, it creates a full disk image which can only be restored by USB flashing not by ImageManager.

You should be able to flash by either method.

The object of an image backup is to flash in case of problem. Problems such as being unable to boot the box.

03-03-18, 19:59
You should be able to flash by either method.

The object of an image backup is to flash in case of problem. Problems such as being unable to boot the box.
You cannot couch flash a HD51 backup disk image with ImageManager, you can couch flash a downloaded ViX image which contains the disk image, kernel and root .... the ImageManager backup does not have separately the kernel and root... it just has the disk image.
Ofwrite just uses the kernel and root from the image download to flash the image.... which means that when the image is unzipped by ImageManager it can take up a fair amount of space on the HDD/usb for the 4GB Emmc image plus kernel plus root.
Same for the Giga 4K receivers.

abu baniaz
03-03-18, 20:07
Then this needs fixing.

04-03-18, 10:55
Then this needs fixing.

Not necessarily .... the eMMC backup process works, but then you usb flash if you need to restore the backup... a quite clean & simple process (providing you have a usb stick that works:) )
... and not something that happens very frequently.... I cannot remember the last time I restored an Image backup - I just couch flash an Image and restore backup settings.
The alternative means getting into multiboot partitions, and as much as I am a multiboot fan, not sure if there is a desire to do this in OpenViX.
Maybe, over time if more Brands support multiboot, it will be done, but currently for ViX it is only the HD51 and Giga4K boxes.

abu baniaz
04-03-18, 19:54
Other images use ofgwrite directly and lets it use values automatically/as detetcted. OpenViX provides values for ofgwrite to use. These may need changing.

Is this issue the same for other images? i.e you cannot restore a backup image?

04-03-18, 20:11
Other images use ofgwrite directly and lets it use values automatically/as detetcted. OpenViX provides values for ofgwrite to use. These may need changing.

Is this issue the same for other images? i.e you cannot restore a backup image?
No - this is specific to the HD51 and ViX and this was a simple solution. Yes, you could do other things, it just takes more code if you want to do it in ImageManager and whether you want to restore an image backup to the same location or one of the other image partitions.... but then you are into multiboot images.

With both the HD51 and the Giga4K, it‘s easier to just flash to another slot, so you keep the other image as long as necessary and flash the new image to another slot.
That way you have an automatic (and almost instant) backup, it‘s a different ball game.
... and one thats supported by other images.

abu baniaz
04-03-18, 20:51
I don't know if I missed the answer as it is submerged with other facts.

A backup image is just that. An image you should be able to restore/flash by either USB or Image Manager. Concentrating on what it does now and ignoring what it should do prevents a fix/improvement.

Just to re-iterate. In openvix, Image manager invokes ofgwrite. As with previous image manager/ofgwrite issues/problems, first step is identifying:
Is issue image manager?
Is issue ofgwrite?
Is issue both?

So back to a basic question (hopefully we will get a simple answer). On other images, can you flash a backed up image using ofgwrite?

04-03-18, 21:42
I don't know if I missed the answer as it is submerged with other facts.

A backup image is just that. An image you should be able to restore/flash by either USB or Image Manager. Concentrating on what it does now and ignoring what it should do prevents a fix/improvement.

Just to re-iterate. In openvix, Image manager invokes ofgwrite. As with previous image manager/ofgwrite issues/problems, first step is identifying:
Is issue image manager?
Is issue ofgwrite?
Is issue both?

So back to a basic question (hopefully we will get a simple answer). On other images, can you flash a backed up image using ofgwrite?

ViX: does not use ofgwrite for the HD51 just writes a disk image.... which cannot be restored by ofgwrite, you must usb flash. The disk image is basically a 4GB copy of the eMMC..... compressed.

OpenATV: can produce a recovery Image(Disk Image .... and as ViX has same spelling mistakes, I assume thats where our ImageManager code came from)),
or Image Backups on HDD and USB via ofgwrite, which can then be flashed online by OpenATV‘s multiboot code.

Other OE-A images, mostly use the OpenATV code.

OpenPli: can use Pedro‘s (? - now handed over to another guy) Backup manager to create image backups, which can be flashed online by OpenPli multiboot flash code.


Is issue image manager? No
Is issue ofgwrite? No
Is issue both? No

Issue was the implementation decision.

05-03-18, 08:05