View Full Version : [Mut@nt] HD51 Cron Job Not Working

02-03-18, 20:10
I am trying to run a script every 10 mins.

so I managed to figure out how to edit a timer with telnet,

type crontab -e
press the insert key to edit
make your changes
press esc to exit edit mode
type :wq to save and exit

I tried both, */10 * * * * as well as 10,20,30,40,50,00 * * * *

neither worked, i then tried the default repeat one hour timer from within the GUI, and also didn't work.

the script i am running works fine, i have tested with script runner.

this is on a fresh install of the latest vix image.

Any ideas? Thanks

04-03-18, 19:43
To create a cron job for a time that is not available in OpenVix GUI (i.e every half hour or anything else) the simplest way to do this is to use a FTP file manager such as Total Commander and edit the following file on your box,
/etc/cron/crontabs/root enter your required time followed by the path to the script you would like to run, for example
*/2 * * * * /usr/scripts/script_name.sh which will run the selected script every 2 mins.

It is useful to know the logs for cron jobs can be found at:

A good website to help you set your cron job time exactly as you would like is: https://crontab.guru/

Thanks to user Birdman